LJ Interests meme results
- black:
Black! I keep buying black things even though I tell myself to stop it, damnit. Even my bedroom furniture is black wood lol. - deadly viruses:
:D Ebola, Marburg, other haemmoraghic fevers such as VHF, etc etc. There's something about their simplicity yet utter danger that appeals to me. - fight club:
Great movie.
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Comments 2
An absolutely BEAUTIFUL, Roaring car that deserves the libido to drive it!
Awesome band... Lovin' the Hardcore
Anything to do with science and relying on machines and human intelligence... Ask my local scientist, cyanosisx [Amanda] =D
KICK ARSE old school band... I'll never tire of listening to House Of Pain, or Everlast.. Or DJ Lethal really.
*Homer droolage*
Lemons n Limes are the bestest fruits EVER...
So where have you been, missy? Seems you've dropped completely off the radar...
Shelbys are way better than Chargers :P
I've never heard Royksopp but I've heard a lot about them....would I like them?
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