This is my third tutorial, requested by
tove_91 and we will go from
in 5 easy steps; made in PS CS2, so not translateable! Sorry PSP users!
1. Take your base, crop it, sharpen/blur it; do whatever you want. I got mine from
2. As you see it is a bit too dark to work with it ^__^,so duplicate your base and set it to screen, make that often as needed. I did it twice.
3. Now open a new Selective Coloring Layer.
Use the settings:
Reds: -32/0/48
Yellows: 20/0/-57/0
4. It still looks weird, with no real 'green'. Open a second Selective Coloring Layer.
Use the settings:
Reds: -41/0/4/0
Yellows: -70/0/22/0
Greens: 100/-100/100/53
Cyans: 90/0/-100/0
Blues: 95/0/-87/0
5. Now it is a bit too red and the green isn't strong enough. Open a new Color Fill Layer, with the color: #b0e9e7; set it to Color Burn
Now you're finished ^^ - like what you see?
join Examples with a similar coloring((not the same; sometimes I duplicated the color fill layer, changed the settings of the selective coloring layers or added a new 'orange' selective color layer)):