(no subject)

Dec 26, 2006 17:30

how can i creat something turkish enough to satisfy my teacher when all the culture i m inspired by is foreign. it s not only about inspiration. more like, we re all fed by it. and mostly american. thus this entry will be written in english.

ok, i have my problems, i get that. but besides my personal confusion, it s everywhere. we re living in it. 'duygu hoca' expects to see the classic turkish cinema, complete with the 'öhö öhö verem oldum, nayır!'s.

is *that* the turkish way to it? it may ve been once, but definetly not anymore.

he keeps saying 'nothing comes out of nothing.' a saying by mevlana. so we *have* to write about what we have, what we know. and what does a 20-something girl, who s living in istanbul, know? not a whole lot. yeah thats me. i know a lot about how life works. but i ve no idea about what it would be like to live with my boyfriend. i m talking about this spesifically cuz a firend of mine wrote a story about that. she s still living with her parents.

so there are very few subjects i can have an honoest opinion on. gossip, friends, boys, girls, being a student, parents, school, lousy jobs like flipping burgers, night life of the city, sex, drugs, youth whatever..

so most of these are based on popular culture. and lets have a look at it:

a girl of 20, who s a univ student goes out at night to have a couple of drinks with her friends. she goes to 'rush/love/the beatles/roxy/caravan/bronx'(whatever is her preference, have you noticed how all the names are foreign? and for those who doesnt know it, these are the names of real places in istanbul) so they go in. it s playing 'britney/led zeppelin / usher/ testament / placebo'. she orders a drink. thank god we have a turkish word for beer. but suppose she ordered a white russian? why not beyaz rus? but whatever. the story goes on and builds up to a point where her boyfriend sees her with another guy. (because there has to be a contradiction in drama.)

at that point duygu hoca comes in screaming that, the girl is a whore, seeing how she s hanging out with both guys. whhyy??? because if you re seen with a guy, it HAS to mean that you re fucking. there s no other option.

thats so NOT the real life in turkey. it maybe in afghanistan... but it s not, in here. my life is not like that. if the boyfriend in the story doesnt go all jelaous and wants revenge, it s not a 'turkish' story. but real life in turkey demands that it is.

when i create a story with a reflection on my life, it turns out to be 'not turkish', or 'not traditional'. hello? i m creating a reflection of life as 'i know it'. of course it s not traditional. it would be 'nothing coming out of nothing' if i sat down and wrote about herding sheep and drinking ayran with little plates under the glasses and henna nights... cuz i know nthing about a life like that. i dont live it. i live the life in which mtv rules, everybody talks about 'lost' and smokes malboros.


bu konuda patlamamın sebebi yine duygu hoca dır tahmin edilebileceği gibi. gerçi bunu üç başlıkta inceleyebilirim.
1.hocanın geri kafalılığı.
2.türkiye de ki 'kültür kayması'(buracıkta uydur verdim).
3.benim yetersizliğim.

hocanın geri kafalılığından bana ne diyicem ama bana giren çıkan vize final filan oluyo sonra. benim yetersizliğimin ise çalışma ile halledilebileceğini düşünüyorum ama tükiye ve türk kültürü için, rakıdan bi fırt alıp 'nereye gidio bu memleket' diyesim var.
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