1. Name: Sam
2. Nicknames: Sam Sam, Sam I Am, Sambo
3. Shoe size: 8
4. Do you have a crush?: sure
5. Boyfriend?: yep
6. Age: 20
7. Age You Act: dunno
8. Birth place: Park Ridge
9. Favorite Salad Dressing: vinegar and olive oil
10. Favorite sport: ??
11. Ever gone skinny dipping?: No
12. What are you watching?: nothing
13. Last person you talked to: my mom
14. Favorite movie: the incredibles?
15. Favorite Book: dont know
16. Favorite Type of music: rock / metal
17. Favorite types of cars: jeep wrangler
18. Favorite Saying: psssh
19. Favorite Fast Food: wendys
20. Favorite Ice Cream: orange sherbet
21. Favorite place to shop: urban outfitters
22. When Do You Go To Sleep: late
23. When do you wake up?: depends if i have work
24. Favorite clothing brand: dont know
25. Favorite shoe brand: converse
26. Favorite holiday: xmas
27. Favorite Food: lobster
28. Favorite Song: apc - sleeping beauty
29. Favorite Television Show: lost / family guy
30. Favorite Radio Station: none
31. Favorite junk food: cookie dough
32. Favorite Love song: no idea
33. Favorite Drink: orange crush
34. Favorite article of clothing: sweatshirts
35. Favorite Animal: otto
section two - f u t u r e
1. School: bradley
2. Where You Want To Live: anywhere warm
3. How Many Kids You Want: kids?!?
4. What Kind Of Job You Want: computer animator
5. Wedding song: no idea
6. Pets?: cat / dog
7. Car?: magenta jeep wrangler
8. 5 years from now?: job?.
9. 10 years from now?: married? job? oprah money?
10. 20 years from now?: same as above but oprah money x 2
section three - h a v e y o u e v e r
1. Done Drugs: nope
2. Run Away From Home: Nope
3. Hit A Boy: yep
4. Lied: yeah
5. Stolen Anything: only from the sibs
6. Broken A Bone: nope
7. Cheated On A Test: sorta? but not really
7. Run from the police: no
8. Cheated On A boyfriend: Nope
9. Gotten Drunk: yep
10. Been w/ 2 guys at once: Nope
11. Been In The Hospital: yes
12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Yep
13. fell asleep in the shower/bath: yep
14.Gone to church: Yeah
15. Never slept during a night: Yeah
16. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: yep
17. Been to camp: Yeah
18. Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering: yep
19.Seen some one die: sorta, yeah
20. Gone a week w/out shaving: all the time haha ... so lazy
21. Didn't wash your hair for a week: no, i do do that
22. Broken something valuable: Yeah
23. Ever been in love: Yeah
24. Streaked the streets: no
25. Screamed at someone for no reason: yes
26. Said I love you and meant it: yes
27. Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: no
28. Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: yeah
29. Pulled a prank?: yea
30. Made fun of someone?: mhm
section four - w h i c h i s b e t t e r
1. Coke Or Pepsi: coke
2. Cats Or Dogs: cats
3. DVDs or VHS: DVDs
4. Deaf Or Blind: blind
5.Pools or hot tubs: pool
6. Television Or Radio: T.V.
7. CDs Or MP3's: mp3s
8. Apples or bannanas: Apples
9. Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries
10. Gold or silver: Silver
11. Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate
12. Movies or music: Movies
13. Park or Beach? Beach
14. Hot or Cold weather? Hot
15. Sunset or Sunrise? sunrise
section five - w h e n i s t h e l a s t t i m e y o u . .
1. Took a shower: yesterday
2. Cried: no idea
3. Watched a Disney movie: yesterday
4. Given/gotten a hug: yesterday
5. Been to the movies: wow ... awhile ago
6. Had a boy/girlfriend: right now
7. kissed someone: last night / early this morning
8. Said I love you: last night / early this morning
9. Danced: god, no idea
10. Did a survey like this: few days ago
section six - w h a t i s . .
1. Your Fondest Memory Of This year: anything with rob
2. Your Most Prized Possession: robs sweatshirt(s)
3. The Thing That Makes You The Happiest: rob
4. Your Favorite Food For Breakfast: pancakes w/ strawberries
5. Your Favorite Food For Dinner: lobster and shrimp
6. Your Favorite Slow Song: dont know
7. Your Ideal BF/GF: rob
section seven - w h a t d o i f e e l a b o u t . .
1. Bill Clinton: k ..
2. Love at First Sight: yeah, k
3. Abortion: depends
4.Smoking: disguisting
5. Death: sad
6. Eating disorders: bad
7. Rap: eww
8. Marilyn Manson: good
9. Suicide: stupid
section eight - i n f o r m a t i o n
1. Name: sam
2. Hair color: reddish
3. Eye color: brownish yellow / orange
4. Current height: 5'6"
5. Glasses/contacts: both
6. What are you: A girl..
7. Religion: Catholic
8. Zodiac sign: libra
9. Siblings: 2 brothers 2 sisters
10. Siblings age: 18, 15, 11, 9
11. College plans: bradley
12. Any piercings: One on each ear and cartilage
13. Tattoos: none
section 9 - s o c i a l
1. Best guy friend: rob?
2. Best girl friend: lots? jess/ suds/ caryn/ karen/ laura/ kaderbek?
3. Current crush: rob
4. Boyfriend/girlfriend: rob
5. Are u center of attention or wallflower: ha, wallflower
6. What type automobile do u drive: '01 Pontiac Grand Am
7. Are u timely or always late: always late
8. Do u have a job: yep
9. Like being around people: yeah
10. Hobbies: sleeping, rob, computers, sims, drawing, rob
section 10 - l o v e
1. Have u ever loved someone u had no chance with?: no
2. Have u ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex: no?
3. Do u have a "type" of person u always go after: meh, i dont think so
4. Do you want someone you don't have right now?: No
5. Ever liked a close guy/girlfriend?: no
6. Are u lonely right now?: no
7. Ever afraid you'll never get married?: no
8. Do u want to get married?: yeah
9. Do u want kids?: dont know
10. Would you rather love or be loved?: both at the same time.
section 11 - f a v o r i t e s
1. Room in house: my room
2. Location for dates: dont know
3. Memory: rob
4. Day of the week: friday
5. Color: green
6. Perfume or cologne: n/a
7. Flower: daisy
8. month: june
9. season: summer
secion 12 - i n t h e l a s t 4 8 h o u r s h a v e y o u . .
1. Cried: no
2. Bought something: sweatshirt/ slurpee/ lunch/ dippin dots for lauren
3. Gotten sick: no
4. Sang: no
5. Said I love you: Yeah
6. Wanted to tell someone you loved them but didn't: Nope
7. Met someone new: no
8. Moved on: from what?
9. Talked to someone: yes
10. Had a serious talk: no?
11. Missed someone: of course
12. Hugged someone: Yeah
13. Kissed someone: yes
14. Fought with your parents: no
15. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: no
16. Had a lot of sleep: meh
17. Wanted this survey to be over: sure