This town is full of monsters!

Jun 23, 2005 23:42

Yes, I have been lazy with not updating and I know I really should be but nothing has been interesting enough to talk about and none of my photographs seem worth sharing. But I have got a request to update, tell you more about my life...

Summer brings boredom, I'll leave it at that.

Nothing lately has been inspiring me to take pictures. When I do they turn out bland and dumb.
Michelle has been gone for awhile and I am still not used to her absence. I miss her so much. These ones are from her birthday party June 3, an evening I was extremely happy. "Boom, boom, boom I want you in my room and spend the night together from now and til forever!"


Yup, Emily did graduate. It sure will be weird not having her around anymore. Even though we fight, I still love her a lot. Heres a picture of her and some of my favorite seniors-June 15

Shelia, Emily and Susanna

The Hard to Find evening was fun... can't see anything.

Today, June 23-not very exciting.

Thats it.

Oh and I guess I have a new but not improved layout. It's pretty simple, pretty boring.
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