But apparently you can get an 18 on the multiple-choice section and still end up with a 4 (assuming you ace the free-response, of course...)...... so it's all good. My theory is to just write what I should do, even if I don't know how to do it. Like....
v = dx/dt ..... if I can't take the derivative (I have problems with that, especially when it's something like 8/(1+5t).
wow. took me a while to figure it out. finally opened my yahoo email account, and i've been wondering why the hell i have so many "replies to my post/comment." that's BECAUSE YOU HAVEN"T CHANGED YOUR EMAIL SETTING BERGER AND THEY"RE STILL SENDING EMAIL TO ME.
(notice i used all capitals to show my anger, just like they taught us not to do in fourth grade.)
Comments 12
And I have just figured out the all-time best response to an AP Physics question:
Mech. 3. c. ii: Compare the experimental and theoretical values of x for a counterweight bucket mass of 300 kg. Offer a reason for any difference.
Clearly, I am en route to a 5.
v = dx/dt ..... if I can't take the derivative (I have problems with that, especially when it's something like 8/(1+5t).
(notice i used all capitals to show my anger, just like they taught us not to do in fourth grade.)
(Look! Did you see?! I used capitals too!)
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