Hi, my name is little_critter, and I'm a cheater...

Aug 02, 2005 06:50

My back-story in a nutshell: I'm a woman who's been married for 15 years. I've had a few affairs in these past 15 years with both men and women. I've currently been having a 3+ year affair with a co-worker whom I call "P" when I'm on LJ. P was transferred a while back, but miraculously is coming back to work in my office soon. Until that ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

smokescreen_zx August 6 2005, 17:06:05 UTC
What is it about your lover that is far better than your hubby? As for your session there-that was hot! I have always had that fantasy:)


little_critter August 10 2005, 19:50:01 UTC
I gave this some thought and it all boils down to attitude.
Lover is supremely confident and confidence is so goddam sexy.
Hubby has gained some weight over the years and is very down on himself. But his lack of confidence is more of a turn off than the weight.
He is not spontaneous at all, and P is.
Hubby never kisses me. He's a wham, bam thank you mam type. P and I make out until we can't stand it anymore and then fuck like bunnies.
It's just a whole different dynamic with P. He listens to what I like or don't like. When I tell Hubby "don't do that or please do this" he ignores me.
Wow. I could go on. But I guess I'll leave it at that.


smokescreen_zx August 10 2005, 19:56:14 UTC
Sounds like you are married to the wrong guy there...


little_critter August 10 2005, 20:00:39 UTC
Yes, I think so, too, but the weird thing is that it's just much easier to stay married and take a lover than it is to get divorced. After 15 years, divorce is just too complicated and messy and EXPENSIVE.


embraceguilt August 11 2005, 00:17:45 UTC
A sister. That is what you are to me after I have read this entry. you and I are one in the same. I love taking lovers... tragically I have sworn off of it, but you reminde me of happier days.

I gave myself to my husband a lot, but it was always more fun when I came home from my twice weekly "study group," or one of those "drives" I liked to take just to ease the stress. He never asked why I was so much wetter on these nights than others, but it made me so hot when he noticed... and even moreso when he went down on me!


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