[IMPERIAL THEATRE, NYC..27/3/03..9:34pm]
Applause. The theatre is alive with it. The lead players of Dashiell Levi's I Am The Revolution take a bow as the entirely of the Imperial Theatre gives them a standing ovation. Through the Burgundy hallways of the theatre-house walks a man who would speak the play's title as a declaration of Self. Steven 'Axis' Carter walks with his wives, one under each arm, and they're all dressed to impress.
Despite the two beauties under his arms, Steven's eye is captured by a voluptuous redhead. He stops in his tracks and walks over to her, and that's all. He stands in front of her, she looks up at him, confused at first. He smirks. She is taken in by his magnetism. He lifts her left hand up, gently kissing each one of her fingers, pausing before kissing her naked ring finger and the smirk turns to a mischeivous grin.
STEVEN Ten o'clock?
A question, posed an an almost-command. She smiles and nods, her breathing is heavier. Lust hangs in the air. Steven releases her hand, and walks past her, her body turns as if to follow, her hand extended into the air left behind.
STEVEN At the front of the theatre.
She nods. Steven chuckles and places his arms around his wives and continues walking. He turns to Callia.
STEVEN Whatcha think?
The trio chuckle. Then, the mild-mannered head usher then approaches the trio, looking slightly concerned as they are heading for the backstage area.
HEAD USHER May I ask where you're uh, going?
STEVEN Backstage.
HEAD USHER Ok. Allow me to be more specific. Why are you going backstage?
STEVEN I wanna meet Dashiell Levi, that play was fuckin' genius. He is back there, ain't he?
HEAD USHER Well yes but he's very introverted. He doesn't like to meet people.
STEVEN Well I'm the Heavyweight Champion of the World and a bonafide fuckmachine, ergo, hot woman hang off me like leaves. Genius playwrights ain't exactly swimmin' in pussy. I can get this guy more action than Larry Flint. He'll damn-well wanna meet me.
HEAD USHER Well, be that as it ma--
The Unholy Assassin laughs and speeds up walking. Destinee looks back at the usher and blows him a kiss. The trio then push open the double-doors to the backstage area and there before them is Dashiell Levi, kissing a young woman of exquisite beauty. Her slender frame is delicate yet her presence is powerful, her lips part from Dashiell and she gently exhales, opening her eyes. She doesn't face Steven, but speaks of him regardless.
VIVIENNE Can you feel that power? Can you feel it? Oooh, I feel faint.
She rubs her forehead with her forearm in an exaggerated gesture, then turns and softly glides to Steven, running her finger down his lip.
No hesitation. None.
VIVIENNE Would you mind terribley if I killed you? I have a thing against Gods. They make me nervous.
STEVEN You're welcome to try.
VIVIENNE And such angels by your side, are these your other faces, Lucifer?
STEVEN You said I was a God...
VIVIENNE But you are Lucifer to me. As are they... Chewing on Brutus and Cassius...
Vivienne leans against Callia and stares at her lovingly, Callia returns a lustful gaze, biting her lip. Vivienne whimpers.
VIVIENNE Oh, to be Brutus! What a brute.
Dashiell winces as Vivienne moves to Destinee, who leans against a box. Vivienne runs her hand softly up Destinee's thigh, yet receives no resistance from the French beauty.
VIVIENNE Oh, Cassius...
Destinee smiles and runs her hand up Vivienne's shoulders and onto her neck. Slowly standing up she moves towards Vivienne, the air is getting thicker. Moist. Their lips are inches apart.
DASHIELL Vivienne! Honey! Could I, uh...
Vivienne sighs.
VIVIENNE Back to the compressor. Save me, Lucifer! Save me!
She begins dancing around Steven. Don Juan Diablo chuckles and extends a hand to Dashiell. The young playwright accepts.
STEVEN Hey, I'm--
DASHIELL --Axis. I know. I'm a bit of a fan.
STEVEN Well. I can honestly say the same. That was an amazing play, my friend.
DASHIELL Thanks, heh. It's five years old. I wrote it during...
He gazes at Vivienne whilst she dances around.
DASHIELL ...um, different--yeah, different times.
DASHIELL So uh, yeah. So what did you um-- y'know, what did you like about it?
STEVEN The play?
STEVEN Shit. I dunno. Everything I guess.
DASHIELL Any um, yeah, y'know, like, favourite bits? Lines maybe?
STEVEN Heh. Hrm, I dunno, man. To be honest, I just really like the way Dionysius, whilst determined to have the revolution suceed, didn't wanna kill anyone or hurt anything. And then, at the end, he succeeded. Well, he sorta half-succeeded after Act II.
DASHIELL Yeah, b-but then he descended. He went back to his n-natural state.
STEVEN And killed half his family, I know. But, he redeemed himself. And, I just thought, the ending, fuck. That was just amazing.
DASHIELL Where he became the iconic revolutionary figure who could then return to simplicity?
STEVEN YES! See, that's like, half of why I'm doing what I'm doing.
DASHIELL Wrestling?
STEVEN Yeah man.
STEVEN 'Coz our lives, man, they're just so... fuck, what am I tryin' to say?..
Vivienne dances back towards Steven and blows a handful of dust into his face.
VIVIENNE The show will be over soon, my love. Shows over. Over. All gone.
STEVEN Yeah, that's it! Our life, it's so transitory. We're gonna be gone in a hundred years, what does it matter if I did this or did that? Who cares if I had pink hair or liked Opeth or enjoyed fucking men?
VIVIENNE OOO! We should introduce him to Sebastian!
Steven smirks.
STEVEN I'm not a fag. But, I mean, what would it matter if I was? It wouldn't.
DASHIELL Everything is fleeting.
STEVEN Exactly. But, in art-- theatre, music, the word, in the arenas of combat, the gladitorial pits... there's persistance there. Like, a sorta pemanence.
DASHIELL Immortality.
Ice-blue eyes aflame.
STEVEN Exactly. And, I want that. And I'll do anything to get it.
DASHIELL Well, I think after last Sunday you're well on your way to it. T-though, you stick to the rules.
DASHIELL W-we-well you s-said, you said you'd do anything. And that's not, um, I dunno. True.
Steven smirks.
STEVEN Nah, man. Anyone can go in and do that whole beat-of-their-own-drum crap, and take it all the way, to justify their cheating. Anyone can do that, anyone can be against. And if they're good, they'll kick ass. But me? I wanna go one better. I wanna go in, and go into their world of rules, and submerge myself in that. I have enough confidence in my abilities, that I'll be able to shine, I will make myself one with the game and my talent will carry me to the top, hell, I've already done that, it culminated last week.
DASHIELL And then?
STEVEN And then? I shape the game in my image. I am not a player of the game, and I'm not the game itself, I am now the controller. I'm the puppetmaster, I embedded myself so far into the system that I took control and can now change it to suit me. And through that control, I'm gonna perpetuate myself, and eventually become an ic-- shit, The Icon. I'll be Dionysius; and when my revolution is finished, they'll forever sing my name - In September, October, November - 2003, 2004, 2005 - whenever. I will be Champion, and I will be Immortal.
VIVIENNE You'll be God. Lucifer and the Father rolled into one - fractured duality I'd say. Are you the devil? No no, nonono. Oh, but I love you so, Pater.
Vivienne spins around.
VIVIENNE Immortal father! My Immortal Father!
She giggles hysterically and moves infront of Steven, suddenly straightening up and running a hand gently down his cheek.
VIVIENNE You're so pretty. Are you ready to be God, Lucifer? Are you ready?
Million-Dollar Smirk.
STEVEN Hell yeah.
VIVIENNE Will you make them all follow? Follow your dance? Will you lead them...
She begins dancing the waltz with herself.
VIVIENNE ...lead me, Lucifer, lead me!
Dashiell is getting increasingly embarrassed. Steven, however, is as confident as ever.
STEVEN I'll lead them all. They will like what I like, want what I want. I WILL be The Icon.
DASHIELL You'll be the Will To Power.
STEVEN The what?
DESTINEE C'est une théorie de Nietzsche.
DASHIELL Vous parlez le Français?
CALLIA Nous SOMMES Français!
DASHIELL Me pardonner. Je n'ai pas signifié pour faire des suppositions.
STEVEN L'arrêt arrête, assez du Français.
DASHIELL Vous aussi? Mon mot! Nous avons véritablement un rassemblements de génies bilingues ici!
A pause.
STEVEN Yeah, I'm not that good. Yet.
STEVEN No problem.
CALLIA Etienne, we should go.
STEVEN Why-- Oh, the redhead.
Steven turns to face Dashiell, they slap hands.
STEVEN Look, man, it was a pleasure. Call my agent, we can do lunch or some shit. I wanna pick that brain of yours. That play was fucking GENIUS!
Dashiell is overwhelmed by the praise, blushing slightly.
STEVEN Aite man, catchya later.
DASHIELL Yeah, later.
Steven turns to Vivienne.
STEVEN And you.
She bites her lip.
STEVEN You make me wish you weren't with my new buddy Dash here. Good Lord!
He slaps Dashiell on the shoulder as Vivienne rolls her left foot on its ball, biting her lip further.
STEVEN Good job man, seriously.
DASHIELL Thanks again.
Steven smirks, then backs away with Callia and Destinee, heading out of the door they came in as Vivienne called out after him.
VIVIENNE Take me, Lucifer, take me!
Steven smirks.
STEVEN Man, that Dash guy. What a genius!
DESTINEE He was very smart, and his wife; mon dieu!
STEVEN Hell yeah, this is all so kickass. I can't wait for Fatal. This World Title Reign is gonna begin. I mean okay I don't have a match but it's just a perfect day ahead. A perfect start to this reign. I will be Immortal, and this is just the first step.
CALLIA And tonight?
DESTINEE With the redhead?
CALLIA And us?
Steven smirks.
STEVEN Shit, that's just the prologue. Though it's probably the greatest prologue ever.
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