I agreed to a bunch of answers to a bunch of questions asked by
1. If you could be the artist that you always wanted to be, but it required that you'd steal the ability of the artist that you admire most, would you?
I don't think I would have to steal the ability of another artist to be the artist I want to be. I think there are a few people I'd like to observe and from whom I would like to glean a few things, but that would be more of a gaining the 'know-how' and wisdom vs. stealing the ability... I think I am overall pretty close to who I ultimately want to be - minus the time, the money, the equipment, and the buyers... I am who I am. Right now I'm only doing what I have time, money and space to do - there's lots more floating around in this cranium. If someone wants to help with propelling me into the monied crowd, I'm all for it - give me a shout.
If this question is a straight out would you or wouldn't you - then my answer is no. I couldn't do that to someone, especially someone I really respected.
2. How did you and your guy meet, and what kept you together?
We met in a Drawing I class in community college. We had the same breaks and I'd see him in the cafeteria - the only place on the campus other than the library to hang out between classes. I'd say hi as I passed... 'Hi' lead to short conversations that lead to sitting and hanging out...and so on...
What kept us together? Glue! Heh, heh. Apathy and a general distaste for society. Heh. No, it just works. We're best friends. It's not like the typical boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/whathaveyou relationship - it's just like hanging out with your best friend everyday. It's great! Honesty, trust, talking, understanding...lots of humor and poking fun at each other. We try to keep ego and pride out of things - what do they matter at that level anyway? A general knowing that we want to be together and that we can get through anything together. We recognize that we're two different people - we're not clones, but we make a great entity together - a nice oneness. If things get tough or when something happens, it's a lot easier to look through and get passed them when you know that yes, this is what we want - to be together...vs. the he/she did/said games. It's the broad picture vs. the tiny, tight snapshot... At the end of the day, none of that really matters anyway - it's all about finding that comfortable place that feels right, eh? Is this making any sense? Is this sounding completely hokey and lame? Maybe we're just lucky. Ah, who cares, I dumped his ass yesterday anyway... Ha! Okay, so I kid...
3. You're running away. You have no responsibilities to weigh you down, and you have 5000 bucks in the bank. Where do you go?
Oof, this is a hard one. I don't know what I would end up doing. Here are some ideas I'd have to weigh -
- Go visit far away friends and see where the trip and experience lead me.
- Immerse myself into an art crowd in a major city.
- Track down and beg some of the artists that admire to take me on as an assistant/apprentice or beg for a job at a kickin' print shop.
- Move to a favorite town or city, settle in and scrape by until I figure it all out, while visiting the aquarium everyday.
- Get a dog and just drive until it feels right, checking out the sites I've always wanted to see along the way.
4. If you could remorselessly eliminate one person from the history of the world, future and past, with no memory of them remaining in anyone's head but yours, who would you obliterate?
Seriously, only one? 'Cause I've got a whole list here...
I think there are lessons to be learned from everyone and everything that happens. I'd love to be able to go back and reshape the world, hopefully resulting in a more peaceful, idealistic society, but who's to say that it would really work? One undoing may result into something else that ultimately is more horrible that what was previously. Until I've mastered quantum physics or you grant me the ability to rework and tweak it until I'm happy, then I'd have to just say I'd remorselessly eliminate myself... then I could either: a) not have to worry about this question anymore or b) finally know if the memory of myself would remain in my head if I had obliterated myself - as the question you asked begs me to answer.
5. I bet you can't write a haiku with the word 'obliterate' in it. Can you?
Don't you know that I'm a master of the haiku? I'm at work right now - which is no place for interesting or productive thinking... I'll have 10 or more by Monday, just to prove that I can do it - drive that point home... Deal?