Apr 05, 2008 00:07
There is nothing like remembering you to
put a bullet in the heart of this day...
But honestly I'm still intrigued by how crazy you really are.
Mar 26, 2008 23:16
I start the 2nd! I have to work my fucking ass off the next year and a half, if I screw up again I'll lose my scholarship. But other than that - Yay Yay Yay!!!
Mar 23, 2008 01:09
I've spent all these hours,days - years, tearing down my old self, to build anew. I wore my new name well, but now every consonant and syllable grinds on my heart; always whispering "liar."
I'm starting to wonder if who I was, is still who I really am...
Maybe all this time I've just been pretending.
Oct 08, 2007 22:09
Her fingers crawl like spiders
hitting notes I never knew existed
bathing the world in this beautiful melody
her song is a gift
she loves us with out reason
Hello livejournal friends
Aug 28, 2007 00:01
Today is a day for change
I've grown tired of running around in these tight, endless circles, of living half asleep, of being constantly numb in this flesh... of living for tomorrow.
I wonder who I'll become
This life is a strange journey. Oh, so reminiscent of Alice. This world is my Wonderland.
Jul 27, 2007 16:20
Misfit Love
Back seat of a dirty Volvo
Love had nothing to do with it
Oh, so sadly comforting
Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together
Just long enough to self destruct
Jul 27, 2007 16:18
I have thirteen dollars in my pocket
I am your oldest sons youngest daughter
create a human being to destroy another
It all comes full circle
Jul 18, 2007 03:48
I speak in smoke signals and you answer in code
Jul 15, 2007 23:57
I remember everything
I hold on to it all, every word, every smile, every tear
Your heart set the baseline to my every move, every sigh
In musty boxes I save all your words
dried flowers I took from your grave
I miss you every second; every moment.
I'll carry you with me always
From this life to the next. I'll never stop loving you