Wow now Thursday are pulling the million dollar special ticket scamola. Admittedly you get good stuff but fuck who has 500 bucks to spend on a gigATTENTION
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I expected better of them tbh. I didn't think they were money grabbers like some other bands have turned out to be. I kinda hoped they were above that shit.
The day My Chem start offering 500 buck tickets for shit I am going over there and bitch slapping the fucking lot of them. I have very little faith in humanity left and I'd hate to lose the tiny bit I have left.
The $50 deal is actually a really good offer, though. Since you're getting the CD and essentially what amounts to a free t-shirt, once you get your fan membership shenanigans done with. Also, exclusive vinyl is neat.
Especially since Taste of Chaos is pretty much like a mass consumerist orgy anyway, this could totally have been a lot worse. I can pretty much guarantee that most of this is ToC's fault and not Thursday's directly.
(And dude, if I had 500 bucks just laying around needing to be spent, I would so pay out to see Thursday side stage. Some people have that kind of mad money, and I am perfectly okay with them spending it. But then again, I am a capitalist jackoff in my heart of hearts.)
Comments 10
I expected better of them tbh. I didn't think they were money grabbers like some other bands have turned out to be. I kinda hoped they were above that shit.
But yeah, they didn't sign onto a major label until now and straight away this happens? It's sad.
lol listening to Coffee is for Closers right now.
"...I'll never believe in anything again..."
lol having drunk too much wine without food
Especially since Taste of Chaos is pretty much like a mass consumerist orgy anyway, this could totally have been a lot worse. I can pretty much guarantee that most of this is ToC's fault and not Thursday's directly.
(And dude, if I had 500 bucks just laying around needing to be spent, I would so pay out to see Thursday side stage. Some people have that kind of mad money, and I am perfectly okay with them spending it. But then again, I am a capitalist jackoff in my heart of hearts.)
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