art rhymes with fart

Jun 28, 2005 05:19

klar drew this obviously but i felt RANDY tonight and decided to color it.
its kinda neat i think, how i colored both of them in the same colors but opposite.
it kind of vaguely hints at how different we are but still the same species so we need to love eachother right?????
no huh .. way too deep. plus thats hippie crap.

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .. i think i'll stick to markers and that kind of junk
this is 10000% cute. yessur .. dang i love the butts. KLAR YAY THANKS <3 i owe you fucking backlogs of art. for seriously like years, i'm so bad and unmotivated. and busy yet NOT BUSY AT ALL . hearts though !! lots of hearts <3<3<3<3<3

also heres some random thoughts of the day
chris pontius is hot
i secretly like old metallica
i also secretly like a britney spears song
i am living in 1998 musically
chris pontius is hot
i love sarz art so hard it hurts ( )

OH ashe .. i made a new character named PUPPY on alliance .. a priest :o FRIGGIN CUTE HUH
and luke you need to play soon cause i cant beat this one quest without ur help pst thx.
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