I've not made a list of ages. There was a time I would only go hours without making one. Mundane or meaningful, lists have had the common if not obvious function of filing my madmind into some order. Whether lazy or just scrambled as an egg, my brain has had the soothing notion it could cash some vacation time in for a few minutes of mini-lists
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It's 2 minutes to 6, but I couldn't resist the lists--
Top 5 tunes I'm addicted to*:
1.) Chasing Pavements - Adele
2.) Better - Tom Baxter
3.) Svefn G Englar - Sigur Ros
4.) Rip Her to Shreds - Blondie
5.) Piazza, New York Catcher - Belle and Sebastian
Can't stop eating*:
1.) toast with butter and sugar (+coffee, always)
2.) soft pumpkin mashed into steaming rice
3.) soft serve ice cream (+feelings, as of late)
4.) watermelon
5.) kare kare (shivers with delight)
come visit london one day. the wind will snap your frail body in half but i shall stick you together with scotch tape and left over mouse sticker-traps that didnt lure the mice. it's sticky power will hold you together.
getting fit... hahahahahahahaha
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