. . . and because I need something to multitask on during class, and because I've been meaning to move this onto Fiore's journal for awhile. The below is every canon line she says, plus context, plus some quotes by other people relating to her. Yes, I am crazy. :D All quotes are from the official English translation. Spoiler warning, obviously.
Volume 2, Chapter 14
Fiore: "Master Joshua."
Joshua: "Hello, Fiore."
Fiore: "What might you be looking at, sir?"
Joshua: "Another world I can't see yet. A house that used to be.
Joshua: "They're both so far that I can't reach them.
Joshua: "It's time for dinner, right?" [holds out hand]
Fiore: [takes hand]
Fiore: "You received a phone call from Master Aion . . ."
Joshua: "Oh? You should've come to get me."
Fiore: "He said it was not an emergency, and he would call again later."
Joshua: "Hmph. I would've asked him to bring me a *magazine*."
Fiore: "If you are bored, sir, why not take a trip into the city?"
Joshua: "Ha ha! No thanks!"
Joshua: [eating] "I hate the city.
Joshua: "The crowds make too much *noise*."
Fiore: "I am sorry, sir."
Joshua: [eating] "By the way, why'd you give me carrots?"
Fiore: [blunt] "You have to eat your vegetables."
Joshua: "You're mean! There's a *pile* of them!"
Fiore: [distracted]
Fiore: [pulls him down] "Excuse me."
Joshua: "Aw, man.
Joshua: "The dessert is *ruined*! (Fiore's pudding is the best.)
Joshua: "Making a rude entrance is *no* way to impress someone.
Joshua: "Don't you think?
Joshua: "But welcome, everyone. You must've traveled far."
Borzo: "Where is the SINNER Aion?
Borzo: "I, Viscount Borzo, shall punish that traitor. PERSONALLY."
demons: "Aion, Aion!"
demons: "Aion the Sinner!"
demons: "Betrayer Aion!"
demons: "Traitor Aion!"
demons: "Kill him!" "Kill him!" "Kill him!"
Joshua: [thinking] "Again? He certainly has his share of *enemies*."
Fiore: [between Joshua and demons] "Kindly leave.
Fiore: "The master is currently away. If you have a message for him, I will take it."
Borzo: [attacks]
Fiore: ". . ."
Borzo: "I won't say it again. Bring Aion out here, now."
Fiore: "Out of the question!"
Joshua: "It's all right, Fiore. Stand back.
Joshua: "Does he look like the kind of guy who actually *listens*?
Joshua: "So why don't you pour some coffee. I'll be finished here soon."
Borzo: "Hahahahaha!
Borzo: "Hahahahaha!
Borzo: "Idiot child!
Borzo: "I brought FIFTY demons to fight Aion! What can a wimp like YOU do against them!"
Joshua: "It's like Aion says:
Joshua: "'The real idiot is the one who underestimates his opponent.'"
Borzo: "I'll make you eat those words . . .
Borzo: "child!"
Fiore: [pourin' coffee, bringin' coffee]
Fiore: "I am sorry to keep you waiting, Master Joshua. I brought the coffee.
Fiore: "And . . .
Fiore: "A change of clothing."
Borzo: "Im . . . impossible!
Borzo: "What ARE you!
Borzo: "What . . . !"
Fiore: "Are you hurt?"
Joshua: "Just got cut a little.
Joshua: "Haha. I guess I'm still not as strong as Aion.
Joshua: "Were you worried?"
Fiore: "Yes.
Fiore: "I was worried.
Fiore: "So worried . . ."
Joshua: [reaches out to her shoulder with bloody hand]
Fiore: [takes it, kneels, molests]
Fiore: "Umn . . ."
Joshua: [sippin' coffee]
Joshua: "Your coffee is *so* much better than anyone else's."
[. . .]
Aion: [phone rings]
Joshua: "Hello?
Joshua: "Oh, hello Aion."
Fiore: [needlepointin']
Joshua: "Ah, yeah. It was a mess tonight.
Joshua: "Don't wory. No problem.
Joshua: "Huh? You're in Las Vegas?
Joshua: "So, are the APOSTLES there?
Joshua: "Really? Too bad. I guess you just missed them.
Joshua: "Then I'LL make preparations, too."
Aion: "Yes. Please do."
Joshua: "I can't wait.
Joshua: "I wonder if the other Apostles are like me . . .
Joshua: [looks at moon] "Beautiful.
Joshua: "Oh yeah. It was a night just like this . . .
Joshua: "When I left the orphanage.
Joshua: "I haven't been back since.
Joshua: "But I wonder what *she's* doing right now.
Fiore: [silent, watching]
Joshua: "I miss you, sis.
Joshua: "Sis.
Joshua: "Sis.
Joshua: "Sis.
Joshua: "Sis."
Volume 4, Chapter 23
Fiore: [cooking]
hawk: [tap tap on window]
Fiore: [jogs along path]
Aion: [stylish entrance]
Fiore: [carries his suitcase]
Aion: "I wanted to relax in Vegas a little more . . .
Aion: "Anyway, where's Joshua?"
Fiore: "He is still resting."
Aion: [gives paper bag to Fiore] "Wake him up for me.
Aion: "Oh yeah, this is a present.
Aion: "And here's that *coffee* you wanted me to get.
Aion: [angryface] "*Now don't ask me to go shopping for you again*!
Aion: "(What am I, an errand boy?!)"
Fiore: [bows] "Thank you very much. You saved me a lot of trouble."
Aion: "Anyway . . .
Aion: [sits] "I heard your report."
Fiore: [spider in cupped hands] "Rizelle was . . . unlucky.
Fiore: ". . ."
Aion: [takes spider]
Aion: "Maybe I should get the details from *her*."
[. . .]
Aion: [gleeing over reading the spider]
Fiore: "It seems you have discovered something."
Aion: "Yes. This is a wonderful present.
Aion: "Rizelle left us a very important *clue*.
Aion: "Though it appears she herself didn't realize it.
Aion: "This will probably make Joshua happy, too."
Fiore: [ping!]
Aion: "Fiore, please bring Genai and the others here.
Aion: "Tell them I've decided on our next plan."
Fiore: "Certainly."
Aion: "I never expected to find *you* there, Songstress of Vegas . . .
Aion: "Apostle!"
Volume 4, Chapter 25
Mrs. Harvenheit: "Satella.
Mrs. Harvenheit: "You're nothing like her, are you?
Mrs. Harvenheit: "Nothing like your big sister."
[. . .]
Satella: "(That's right.)"
Florette: "Don't cry, Satella. I know Mother is hard on you, but . . .
Florette: "I think a determined heart will always win over 'talent'.
Florette: "So keep liking the jewels more than *me*, okay?" [smile]
Satella: "(*You* always smiled for me . . .)
Satella: "(*Sister*.)"
Volume 4, Chapter 26
Aion: [waiting with Fiore]
Genai: "Ain't there somebody missing?"
Aion: "Oh, you know how it is. And you're *late*.
Aion: "Viede.
Aion: "Genai."
Aion: "Your food's gotten *cold*! (Ha ha ha.)"
Genai: "We came as fast as we could! We made it from Denver in one night!"
Viede: "We had to be careful with the *cargo*, too.
Viede: "And we picked up some more along the way."
Aion: [opens truck, sees kidnapped people]
Aion: "Good.
Aion: "Fiore!
Aion: "Take care of them later."
Fiore: "Yes, sir." [heads inside, followed by Aion]
Viede: "Hey, yeah. I heard you found that *Apostle*."
Aion: "Correct!"
Aion: "The 'Songstress of Vegas' is headed this way.
Aion: "And believe it or not, she's with Chrono *and* Joshua's sister."
Viede: "!"
Aion: "It was in Rizelle's last report.
Aion: "How lucky can you get? The turkey has flown straight into the oven, basted and ready to cook!
Fiore: "Um, I think your metaphor is a little off."
Aion: [angryface]
Fiore: [bows]
Genai: [hits table]
Aion: "You don't seem very happy."
Genai: "Of course not. And whose fault do you think that is?
Genai: "Rizelle is dead because that brat Joshua sent her out *alone*. And why? Out of love for his *sister*!"
Viede: "Rizelle brought it on herself, Genai. It would've been a simple job if she hadn't let her guard down."
Genai: "Enough already! Where is *Master* Joshua?"
Fiore: [gets in his face]
Genai: "What do *you* want?"
Fiore: "I cannot allow you to see him until you have calmed down."
Genai: [facerape against the table]
Genai: "Since when did you start talking to your *masters* like that?
Genai: "You're a *failure*.
Genai: "No better than a dumb animal."
Aion: [draperape] "Calm down . . .
Aion: "Genai."
Genai: [lets go]
Fiore: [emos inna corner]
Aion: "We're all on the same team. In fact, we're like a single *being*.
Aion: "I made a mistake as the head, and we've lost one of our arms.
Aion: "But that's no reason for the remaining arm to cut off both legs.
Aion: "If you have any complaints, or you're angry about something, I'll listen.
Aion: "So . . .
Aion: "Let's not be difficult, all right?
Aion: "Genai.
Aion: "Besides . . .
Aion: "Fiore is *his*."
Genai: ". . ."
Fiore: [bows to Aion] "I am very sorry."
Aion: "Don't worry about it. How is he?"
Joshua: [mumbling to self]
Joshua: [to Fiore] "Oh. It's you.
Joshua: "My sister isn't here, Fiore.
Joshua: "I wonder where she went.
Joshua: "Sis . . .
Joshua: "Sis . . ."
Fiore: [hug]
Fiore: "I am right here.
Fiore: "I will give you anything you would like."
Joshua: ". . ."
Viede: "I guess people who are *missing* something are drawn to each other.
Viede: "The horns are eating away at him more and more.
Viede: "Even Fiore can't act as a limiter any more.
Viede: "I guess he needs his sister to keep his sense of self."
Aion: "You don't have to worry about that.
Aion: "Joshua, can you hear me?
Aion: "You'll be able to see her soon."
Joshua: "'Her'?"
Aion: "Your sister! The sister you love so much."
Joshua: "Sis . . .
Joshua: "Really?
Joshua: "I can't wait . . ."
Aion: "That's right. Let's light the candles.
Aion: "Let's lift our glasses in toast . . .
Aion: "And give her a *big* welcome!
Aion: "Tomorrow is the carnival.
Aion: "It's going to be *fun*!"
Volume 4, Chapter 27
Aion: "The city's *busy* tonight."
Fiore: [makin' jewel magic]
Fiore: "I am finished."
Aion: "Thanks. Then let's go."
Joshua: "Wait.
Joshua: "I'll go with you."
Fiore: [instantly supporting him]
Joshua: "I feel good today. My head's clearer . . .
Joshua: "I think it'll be fun."
Aion: "All right."
Aion: [grumpy, grabs tie] "*But fix your clothes first*!
Aion: "They are annoying me."
Fiore: "Oh . . ."
Volume 5, Chapter 29
Joshua: "Oh, that's funny.
Joshua: "My sister's name is Rosette, too."
Rosette: "(Wh-what's going on?)"
Aion: "Heh. He seems the same to her."
Fiore: [pushes Rosette out of the way en route to Joshua] "Excuse me."
Rosette: "Hey! Who are you guys?!"
Aion: "Just leave him alone.
Aion: "She knows more about taking care of Joshua than you."
Volume 5, Chapter 30
Joshua: "Ever since Chrno showed up . . .
Joshua: "The horns won't stop screaming . . .
Joshua: "I just . . ."
Aion: "Easy now. Rest a little." [shoves him into Fiore's arms]
Volume 5, Chapter 31
Viede: [to Fiore] "Take care of the rest.
Viede: "Master Aion forgot something. I'm gonna give it back!"
Satella: [reaches for jewel] ". . ."
Fiore: "Please stop.
Fiore: "We are not going to cause any harm.
Fiore: "However, if you attempt to interfere . . .
Fiore: [jewels] "There shall be no mercy for you."
Satella: "(JEWELS?!)"
Volume 5, Chapter 32
Fiore: [looks away from Joshua, toward Aion and Remington, when Remington has Aion at swordpoint]
[. . .]
Aion: "I still haven't done what I'm here for.
Aion: "I came to take a certain guest back with me.
Aion: "An Apostle, just like Joshua.
Aion: "The Songstress of Vegas."
Azmaria: "Me?"
Aion: "Fiore!"
Fiore: [curtsey] "I am here."
Fiore: [jewel comes up] "Laden!"
Satella: [shokku!]
priest: "What?! That girl is a Sinner, too?"
[. . .]
Fiore: [bows as Aion does his exit speech]
Satella: "Why . . .
Satella: "Why are you doing this?
Satella: "SISTER!
Fiore: [startled]
Fiore: [blank]
Fiore: [poof]
Volume 5, Chapter 33
Fiore: [supports Viede as they bamf back]
[. . .]
Fiore: [knitting by Azmaria's bedside when Azmaria wakes]
Fiore: "Good morning."
Azmaria: [sleepy] "Morning . . ."
Fiore: "I will prepare your breakfast."
Azmaria: [sleepy] "Okay . . ."
[. . .]
Shader: "Yay! I'm so happy all of the Apostles are such cute kids!" [glomp]
Joshua: "Stop treating me like a kid."
Fiore: [doom] "I'm sorry to disturb your fun,
Fiore: "but breakfast is ready."
Shader: [meow?!]
Shader: "Sorry, Fiore. Are you mad?"
Fiore: "No. Not at all."
[. . .]
Joshua: "Where are Aion and Genai?"
Fiore: "They're checking on Master Viede."
Shader: "Oh, Fiore! Now that you're here, the food's *sooo* much more scrumptious! (I want you to be my wife!)" [glomp]
Fiore: [glomped]
Fiore: [fingerwag] "Eating nothing but canned food is bad for you."
Shader: "I'm just too lazy to make anything."
[. . .]
Shader: "Fiore worked hard to make this for you.
Shader: "There's nothing 'good' or 'evil' about food."
Azmaria: [. . . eats]
Fiore: "I am honored that you like it.
Fiore: "These are my sister's favorite foods.
Fiore: "You remind me of her."
Volume 5, Chapter 35
Satella: "It has to do with my older sister.
Satella: "She was kind and gentle.
Satella: "And she was powerful.
Satella: "Ten years ago . . .
Satella: "My house caught fire.
Satella: "My mom and dad died.
Satella: "Aion took my sister and disappeared into the fire . . .
Satella: "Along with Mother's summoning jewels."
Volume 7, Chapter 43
Fiore: "Sir?
Fiore: "Our *guests* will be arriving soon.
Fiore: "Everyone has resumed preparations.
Fiore: "Perhaps it would be best if . . ."
Joshua: "Fiore?
Joshua: "I had a dream.
Joshua: "It was about my sister."
[. . .]
Joshua: "It's been a while since I've had a dream.
Joshua: "It was very . . . nostalgic.
Joshua: "It was about an important promise I made with my sister a long time ago.
Joshua: "But . . . I can't remember.
Joshua: "I can't remember what my sister looks like.
Joshua: "That girl I met in San Francisco . . .
Joshua: "She said her name was Rosette, too.
Joshua: "But I can't compare what they look like.
Joshua: "I've lost all the memories that were important to me.
Joshua: "Come tomorrow, I'll have forgotten even more.
Joshua: "But . . .
Joshua: "I have to be sure . . . I have to know who she is!
Joshua: "What should I do, Fiore?"
Fiore: [silence]
Fiore: "Go to her.
Fiore: "Go see her one more time."
Joshua: "You're right.
Joshua: "I have to find out for myself."
Volume 7, Chapter 45
Aion: "This [sword] holds my horns . . .
Aion: "And the humans I've made contracts with are sealed in these jewels."
Volume 7, Chapter 47 -- "Flower of Stone"
Joshua: "Ungh
Joshua: "Fiore"
Fiore: "Master Joshua! I'm glad you're all right."
Joshua: "I must have collapsed from the strain of the Oratorio . . .
Joshua: "What's the situation?"
Fiore: "Master Aion has already left.
Fiore: "He said that he needs to destroy the core before Pandaemonium recovers."
Joshua: "What about the other Apostles?"
Fiore: "They still haven't awakened. Master Shader is trying to buy some time.
Fiore: "But if the worst should happen . . . We're to abandon /Eden/.
Fiore: "I am leaving now. I will be the shield that protects the others.
Fiore: [bow] "If you will excuse me . . ."
Joshua: "Fiore.
Joshua: "Don't you have to keep an eye on me?
Joshua: "That was Aion's order, right?
Joshua: "Because of my horns, I'll probably get corrupted by Pandaemonium.
Joshua: "Not my body, but my mind.
Joshua: "And when that happens . . . you're to kill me, right?
Joshua: "It's written all over your face."
Fiore: [not looking] "You jest.
Fiore: "My heart is made of stone.
Fiore: "I do not cry or smile."
Joshua: "Yeah, I know.
Joshua: "But it's written on your face."
Fiore: [pushes away] "I must leave now.
Fiore: "(Please forgive me for disobeying my orders, Master Aion.)
Fiore: "I have but one request.
Fiore: [grabs tie, fixes it] "Would you please call me what you did when we first met?"
Joshua: "Oh, that's right . . .
Joshua: "There was so much static in my mind that I made a mistake . . .
Joshua: "And called you 'Sis'.
Joshua: [wave] "Goodbye . . .
Joshua: "'Sis'."
Fiore: "Goodbye.
Fiore: "(It brought back such memories.
Fiore: "(With that one word, I stopped being a doll that just made jewels.
Fiore: "(It brought back a soul I had thought lost forever.)
Fiore: "(I do this now . . .)
Fiore: "(for you.)"
Fiore: [sees Satella; shokku]
Fiore: "(That's why I . . .)"
Rosette: "Satella, look!"
Satella: ". . ."
Fiore: "Please wait just a little longer.
Fiore: "It will not be long before Master Aion completes his plans.
Fiore: "My orders are to protect Master Joshua until then.
Fiore: "I cannot allow you to pass yet."
Rosette: "So Joshua's not far from here?"
Fiore: "I cannot allow someone . . .
Fiore: "who would confuse Master Joshua to see him right now."
Rosette: "Confuse? What's that supposed to mean?!"
Satella: "Calm down!"
[. . .]
Satella: "The truth is, I wanted to talk to you alone.
Satella: "After all, it's been ten years.
Satella: "Why are you fighting for Aion, our enemy?!
Satella: "Sister . . . Florette!
Satella: "Florette Harvenheit!"
Fiore: "My name is Fiore. Just Fiore.
Fiore: "I am not your sister. Florette died 10 years ago.
Fiore: "I'm just a doll . . .
Fiore: "A soul made to inhabit this body."
Volume 7, Chapter 48
Florette: "Y-you were watching?
Florette: "Please don't tell anyone. They would treat me like a witch."
Aion: "Really? But it's such a wonderful power . . .
Aion: "And power should be used, don't you think?"
Satella: [sleepin'] ". . ."
Florette: "Did you come from America to pay a visit to Mother?"
Aion: "Yes. I've never met her . . .
Aion: "But I guess you could say I'm a distant relative."
[. . .]
Genai: "Went a little wild here, didn't ya, Boss?
Genai: "(Heh)"
Aion: "It kind of turned out that way, huh? We had a difference of opinions.
Aion: "He used to be our senior . . .
Aion: "A defector like us . . . but he wouldn't listen.
Aion: "No matter. I've found a replacement.
Aion: "Power continues to flow through her . . .
Aion: "*Blood*, however, is a different matter."
Shader: "Aion, she's too far gone."
Aion: "No. Do whatever it takes -- make her useable."
Shader: [to Florette] "I'm sorry . . ."
[. . .]
Satella: [Mutigster takes Fiore's arm off]
Fiore: [picks up arm] "It doesn't matter how many times you break me."
Fiore: [puts arm back, Legion kicks in] "I am a doll."
Satella: "That's a lie . . .
Satella: "A lie!
Satella: "Erscheinen!
Satella: "Anfang Weider!"
Fiore: "Erscheinen . . .
Fiore: "Sauber Jungfrau!"
Fiore: "I am a tool . . .
Fiore: "A tool that was made from your sister's dead body."
Satella: "(My sister is gone.)"
Fiore: "I was created to make jewels . . . to destroy the enemies of my master."
Satella: "(She's been swallowed up by a demon.)
Satella: "(Sister . . . Sister . . .)
Satella: "(For 10 long years, I did nothing but search for the people who took you.)
Satella: "(I believed that I could get back what I'd lost . . .)
Satella: "(But . . .)
Satella: "(This had all been settled 10 years ago.)
Satella: "(There was never anything for me to get back in the first place.)
Satella: "(Oh, shi--)"
Fiore: [gut wound!]
Satella: "(I should never have held out hope.)"
Fiore: "It seems that you are surrounded.
Fiore: "It will be quite difficult for you to escape with those injuries.
Fiore: "Are you going to make me finish this?"
Satella: "(It's no use. I can't move.)
Satella: "(This is the end . . . It's all over.)
Satella: "That's right . . .
Satella: "(Even if the road ahead is blocked . . .)
Satella: "You . . .
Satella: "Never gave up.
Satella: "(I can't give up!)
Satella: "(Sister . . .)
Satella: "(My poor, twisted sister.)
Satella: "(If you can't come back to me . . .)
Satella: "(Then at least . . . At least . . .)
Satella: "Let's go together.
Satella: "Befreien . . .
Satella: "Lieben Twilling."
Joshua: "Fiore?"
Volume 8, Chapter 53
Aion: "The Legion that were bound together to form this giant structure . . .
Aion: "are going to break free.
Aion: "They'll mix with the atmosphere, spreading to corrupt and distort every living thing.
Aion: "Then . . .
Aion: "The world is in for a very big change."
Chrno: "That's not 'rebirth' at all!
Chrno: "It's destruction!"
Aion: "No. The Earth will not be destroyed. We will make it anew.
Aion: "A strong will can control the Legion.
Aion: "A will like Fi's or yours."
Volume 8, Epilogue
Mr. Hendric: "It's been five years now.
Mr. Hendric: "In 1994, you and the other were found washed up ashore in Newport, Oregon.
Mr. Hendric: "We at the Hendric Foundation searched for a way to undo the crystallization, but our efforts were fruitless.
Mr. Hendric: "Then, one month ago, you were spotted by a guard having somehow recovered from your former state."
Satella: "And what about the girl who was with me?"
Mr. Hendric: "Unknown. We're still searching for her.
Mr. Hendric: "As for the demon Chrono,
Mr. Hendric: "official records state that he was executed by the old Magdalen Order in 1924.
Mr. Hendric: "The world has changed.
Mr. Hendric: "The times . . . society . . . We're 70 years removed from the era of you and my grandmother.
Mr. Hendric: "Grandmother Azmaria . . .
Mr. Hendric: "She'd looked forward to speaking with you right up until she passed one year ago."
Satella: "Yeah . . ."
Mr. Hendric: "Your wounds . . ."
Satella: "I'm fine."
Satella: [shokku]
Mr. Hendric: "Someone places them there every year.
Mr. Hendric: "Strange, given that the location of Rosette's grave wasn't in her will.
Mr. Hendric: "I will see you later."
Satella: "I guess I should say 'it's been a while,' huh, Rosette?
Satella: "To me, it wasn't that long ago.
Satella: "But I've kept you waiting, haven't I?
Satella: "I've seen a lot of pictures of you and the others from that day.
Satella: "It was tough, wasn't it?
Satella: "But you gave it your all.
Satella: "The four of us never were able to get together again . . .
Satella: "But you all lived your lives to the fullest.
Satella: "Now it's my turn.
Satella: [earrings onna grave] "I'm going to live my life . . .
Satella: "In the future that you passed down to us all."
Shader: "Satisfied?
Shader: "Let's go . . .
Shader: "Florette."
Fiore: [looks away]
Fiore: "(Goodbye, Satella.)"
Satella: "(To the future.)"
Bonus Material
Rosette: 16
Chrno: Unknown (looks 12/20)
Azmaria: 12
Satella: 19 (looks too old)
Joshua: 15 (looks too old)
Fiore: Unknown (looks 15-16) [has been dead 10 years, so actually 25-26]
Father Remington: 27
Sister Kate: Secret (she gets mad if you ask) --> 29
[No canon age given for any other character, as far as I know. However, if Chrno is supposed to look 20 in his demon form, that implies the rest of the Sinners look 20-21, as they all look around the same age. Whiiiich makes them theoretically camper-appable, rather than counselor. And. Y-yeah. I'd recommend that any potential appers, especially for Aion and Shader, talk to the mods before making a decision on camper vs counselor.]
Hexen der Juwel: "Jewel Witch".
Befreien: "Be Free". Used for the cryofreeze spell.
Erscheinen: "Appear". Used for the mechs and beasts.
Laden: "Summon". Used for Fiore's weapon. (No other command.) Also used for the Jewel Knight -- "Laden! Erscheinen! Ritters Juwel! Mutigster!" -- in Satella's first invocation.
Erlöschen: "To be extinguished". Apparently a command for Mutigster to destroy something.
Stürmen: "To attack", "to storm". Apparently a command for Tief Fischen to destroy something.
Jewel Knight (Ritters Juwel): Satella's mech.
Deep March (Tief Fischen = "Deep Fishing"): Satella's stingray-beast.
Beginning April (Anfang Weider = "Beginning Again"): Satella's mech.
Mighty May (Mutigster = unknown): Satella's Taurus-mech.
Beloved June (Lieben Twilling = "Love Twin"): Satella's cryofreeze spell.
Strong August (Eisen Iowen = "Iron Lion"): Satella's lion-beast.
Pure September (Sauber Jungfrau = "Clean Virgin"): Fiore's mech.
[Anime canon expands the jewel witches' spell list. I don't plan to draw from it much if at all, though; the only times Fiore uses verbal invocations are her initial summoning of the scythe/gauntlet -- "Laden!" -- and calling Pure September -- "Erscheinen, Sauber Jungfrau!" -- and she works magic without any verbal command at other times, so. Also I don't know nearly enough German to fake it properly.]