1) First, what's your full name? Caitlin Elizabeth Abbass
2) What are you wearing right now? silver gym shorts & my sophomore spirit week shirt...WHOO.....ARMY OF 12!!!...or did it end up being 11??? HAHAHAHAHAHAH.
3) What was the last thing you ate? some pasta & pork at dinner.
4) What's your favorite type of music? well...def. rock.....and broadway. tehe.
5) If a piece of food fell on the floor, would you still eat it? i dunno...is the floor dirty and is the food good?
6) What kind of toothpaste do you use? crest
7) Do you keep up with current events? besides things that have to do with celebrities, no. haha.
8) Give your approval rating of President George W. Bush on a 1-100% scale. "50%--he hasnt blown up the country yet, so props for that."-christen.....HAHA, i love it christen, absolutely love it!
9) Do you floss? sometimes
10) Do you use any hair products? besides all the regular stuff?...well, hairspray and sometimes this stuff that's supposed to make my hair nice and shiny (but not dirty shiny)...only cus it smells REALLY good. tehe.
11) What do you do over summer vacation? hang out with friends. fry my brain with reality tv. remind myself how much i hate school....just the usual stuff. hehe
12) Do you like getting your picture taken? yes! i'm practically a picture whore!! haha...i just don't always like the outcome of the picture.
13) Have you ever taken a picture with the lens cap still on? no, my camera doesn't have a lens cap.
14) Are you good at keeping secrets? yes, i think so.
15) Do you cry easily? no, not really. every once and awhile i have a series of days when i do, but otherwise, no.
16) Do you "brake for animals"? haha, yes.
17) So what school do you go to? ...not quite sure yet...
18) What grade are you in? 11th
19) Do people at your school smoke in the bathroom? at North Pocono they did. hahahahaha.
20) Do you smoke? nope
21) Which should have won the Oscar: "Gladiataor" or "Cast Away"? Gladiator....Cast Away just plain sucked ass. the only thing i remember of it was that it sucked, and he talked to a ball that he named Wilson. haha
22) Do you like sports? yesssssss
23) Are you online a lot? eh, sometimes.
24) Do you frequently say "LOL" in an online converation? i used to, but now for some reason, i'm not doing it as much.
25) Do you like watermelon? yes :)
26) Are you an optimist or a pessimist? most of the time optimist...but i have my days. haha
27) Did you ever collect Pogs? i don't think so.....
28) Have you ever had something in class that the teacher "took away" (besides a note or something)? hmm. nope.
29) Has a teacher ever taken away a note of yours and read it in front of the class? nope.
30) What are your thoughts about abortion? i only think it's ok when the baby's or mother's health is in danger.
31) What's your favorite card game? 3 13 was fun!
32) Before a visit to the dentist, do you brush your teeth extra long to make up for the past months of neglect? who doesn't?? hahah
33) Do you have a pet? yuppers...seamus...my dog.
34) Which are better: cats or dogs? dogs....unless your Howard, the kitty. then cats are better. tehe, i'm gunna have to check up on my Howard when i go down to pa this weekend. tehe. :)
35) When eating out at a restaurant, do you tip the server well? eh, i duno. i don't usually figure that stuff out...i just give my half of the bill. haha. i leave all the math stuff to christen...and sometimes molly, but only when she has her cellphone with her :-P
36) Are you a nutt nutt about putt putt? ....like golf?? you mean putt putt golf?? cus otherwise i have NO idea what the hell you're talking about! haha
37) Where's the perfect place to go on a date? "Minigolfing."...that sounds fun!!
38) Have you ever gotten into a fist fight? haha yyyeessss.
39) If you were to attend a wedding reception, would you order chicken or beef? beef. i'm not a fan of fancy chicken stuff.
40) Have you ever been stung by a jellyfish? nope...my mom has been though.
41) Do you think teachers have secretive romances with each other? yes!!!
42) What's your favorite season? fall. i absolutely love fall. i hate school....i love fall. haha.
43) Have you ever dissected an animal? If so what? when i was little, i poked all the stuff out of a dead bird (haha, gross, right?)...other than that, a frog, worm, clam, crayfish, and fish.
44) Have you ever seen a shooting star? yes
45) Ever been pulled over by the police? nope...but when you walk around carthage with michelle, you're bound to get stopped by policemen for them to just say hi, or ask if she really is an Amann. haha.
46) What's your favorite song of the moment? hhhhmmmmmmm. "Heaven Knows" Rise Against
47) What do you look for in a girlfriend/boyfriend? hmmmmmmmm. i dunno. lots of stuff......by the way christen, "the name, 'mike todara'" nice, veeerrryyy nice. haha.
48) When's your birthday? January 21, 1989
49) Do you read horoscopes? sometimes
50) Using a scale of 1-100%, describe how rebellious you are. well...it probably depends what day and mood i'm in. haha.
51) Do you find marine biology interesting? it's alright. i wanted to be one when i was little...although, someone once told me that every little girl goes through a phase where they want to be a marine biologist. haha. ...i think that person was right. haha.
52) Do you have any allergies? haha, well i didn't until i had to go to the allergist doctor....and all of a sudden i'm allergic to like...everything. haha
53) Do you speak another language? very little french...and latin...does latin count??
54) Do you typically get along better with Mom or Dad? haha i dunno. we have our moments, i suppose.
55) What is your favorite sport? hands down basketball. then football. then....EXTREME PING PONG with my cool friends, ashley and bobby! hahah.
56) Do you play a musical instrument? besides the electric bass triangle (heh)?? nope.
57) Do you play video games? a little
58) Ever beaten a game? yes! i was really good at beating Pocahantos for Sega. i loved that game! i was so friggn awesome at it, too! hahahahaha.
59) Are you the outdoors type? eh, sometimes.
60) Are you easily influenced by other people? eh, depends on what it is.
61) Are you a leader or a follower? i can be both..it depends on what it is.
62) Are you artsy? somewhat.
63) Describe yourself in three words. friendly, dorky..or is it crazy?? haha...anddddd, caring.
And now another, cuz I'm just that bored.
Bold what's true:
01. I am a dreamer.
02. I want to be a footnote in a book someday.
03. I am not colorblind.
04. Kurt Cobain is quite possibly the only person whose corpse I would seriously consider having sex with. I think I'd actually do it, quite honestly.
05. I have seen snow before.
06. I always forget when I am cooking and start kitchen catastrophies.
07. I don't like men, but I don't like women either.
08. I have never had a girlfriend, but I would like to someday.
09. I feel like I was born in the wrong time period.
10. I want to live in a downtown studio apartment, but I also want a house with a wrap-around porch.
11. I have the black thumb of death when it comes to plants and/or small pets.
12. Sometimes, I talk to myself.
13. If any small, sharp, pain inducing object is on the floor/ground, my foot will find it.
14. I love to be barefoot.
15. Some music makes me sad. And I like it.
16. I love giving gifts to people, even if it’s not a special day.
17. I want to be a revolution all by myself.
18. I don't know what I want to be. I am torn between music journalist, record store owner, or human rights lawyer.
19. I have never seen The Godfather or Pulp Fiction.
20. I like getting things in the mail.
21. I'd be ashamed if I were ever First Lady--why not just go for the gold?
22. I pretend that everything is okay to protect the ones I love.
23. I am anal about my feet and hands--I like for them to always be clean. If they are dirty, I feel gross until I get to a sink.
24. I procrastinate. A lot.
25. I have trouble not singing to songs I know. Even if I hate them.
26. I am happier as an atheist than I ever was as a Christian.
27. My whole family thinks that I am just going through a phase.
28. I love to take pictures, even though I don’t get to do it as much as I’d like.
29. I sometimes get jealous.
30. I am a lot more bisexual than I will ever admit to most people.
31. My parents are divorced. And I'm glad.
32. I'm a packrat. I never throw anything out.
33. Going to the beach during a hurricane and a really good concert are my chosen religious experiences.
34. I need a vacation from myself. every once and awhile
35. I speak only English fluently, and that makes me sad.
36. I'm a desperate insomniac.
37. I'm a music snob, and this doesn't bother me.
38. I love candle-light.
39. When I was really little, I asked my mom if I could marry my dad. She said no, and I was mad.
40. I don't like makeup, but I like the way my cheeks get flushed after being out in the snow, or the slight red I get when I have a mild sunburn on my face.
41. I am addicted to 24.
42. I take really, really, really long baths; I read whole books in one bath.
43. I think I have the capacity for alcoholism.
44. If I ever got jury duty, I would be ecstatic. I think it sounds like such fun.
45. Money is very important to me.
46. I have a lot of issues with my family. Especially my mother.
47. I am the oldest child.
48. I have a great boyfriend.
49. I piss myself off a lot.
50. I am loved. i sure hope i am! haha.
51. Words fascinate me.
52. I am very independent.
53. I need more sleep.
54. My car is one of the most important things to me. It is my key to freedom; my escape, should I need one.
55. People think I'm funny. i'm told i'm silly...does silly count as funny??
56. I think I'm funny, too. if silly counts as funny. tehe.
57. My boyfriend gave me too many stuffed animals and I had to put them in a box in the attic when I left for college. I still feel guilty.
58. I'm scatter-brained.
59. I love period costumes, and want to wear them every day. well maybe not EVERY day.
60. I can dance, but I can’t... it’s odd. tehe, this happens to me alot. haha.
61. I am always reading at least one book.
62. I wish I could fly.
63. I'm afraid of heights.
64. I have a lot of drive, but have problems keeping interest in things I have started.
65. I love to argue.
66. I have an innie belly button.
67. I suffer from chronic pain.
68. I should be asleep right now.
69. I have strong affection for ice cream.
70. When people ask me if I smoke, I smile and say, "Not cigarettes."
71. I have a fetish for 80's music. A big one.
72. I think I have an unhealthy obsession with music. But I don't mind.
73. Once, I was able to have a lucid dream, but it was so exhausting that I've never tried it again.
74. I would love to have more money.
75. I have a habit of arguing with the television.
76. I just found out that blue was the original color of St. Patrick's Day. really?????
77. I like to surprise my friends with stupid trivia. tehe!!
78. I love politics.
79. I am having an identity crisis.
80. I like jigsaw puzzles from time to time.
81. I am crazy.
82. I enjoy eating tomato sandwiches.
83. I hate George W. Bush with every fiber of my being. i don't hate the guy..but i don't like him either.
84. I keep notes on the things that Texas has done to piss me off.
85. I can be very stubborn.
86. I don't make my bed in the morning, I make it right before I go to bed.
87. I need more clothes.
88. I still stick my tongue out at people.
89. I don't like to yawn in front of people. I have a really bad yawn face.
90. If I had the money, I would buy DVD box sets of all my favorite TV shows.
91. We used to cruise at the Oceanfront with the windows down, blasting Bon Jovi (mostly either You Give Love a Bad Name or Livin' on a Prayer.) ok, so it wasn't the oceanfront..it was the highway to scranton...but me and my mom still did it from time to time!! haha
92. I am still afraid of the dark.
93. I believe in ghosts, or at least I wish I did.
94. I love hugs. love is an understatement. i like hugs more than i like kisses.
95. I like to watch movies that I've already seen with people who haven't.
96. I am very picky with some things, others I don’t worry about.
97. Purple is my favorite color.
98. I have a sticker that says "sinner" on my car.
99. I love my friends with a passion.
100. I do not have a name for my mattress.