Aloha, I'm a new maker! =]

Oct 01, 2009 20:38

♥ R U L E S ♥

Manners are a must. No manners = No graphic.

Loved should put "LOVED" in their subject line. Non-loved needn't bother.

There's a 15 box limit on my blinkies.

I prefer usernames in UPPERCASE. It's easier for me when I'm saving requests.

Only request if you have every intention of using it. It's a waste of my time to make something that isn't used.

Non-loved may only request every other freebie. Loved can request even when closed.

Don't claim my hard work as your own.

I have a three strike rule. After the third, you will go on my DNMF list.

When crediting, be sure to use LJ tags or hover credit.

Keep my username in the filename!

If your graphic is not picked up within ONE WEEK, it will be deleted. No reminders.

♥ L O V E D ♥

My personal LJ friends

♥ D N M F ♥


♥ E X A M P L E S ♥

All examples can be found here.

♥ R E S O U R C E S ♥

♥ P A I D R E Q U E S T S ♥

Blinkie Bundles

05 Pixel-to-Blinkies - £1.82 = $3.00
10 Pixel-to-Blinkies - £4.85 = $8.00
15 Pixel-to-Blinkies - £6.06 = $10.00
20 Pixel-to-Blinkies - £9.09 = $15.00
30 Pixel-to-Blinkies - £12.12 = $20.00

Loved List Passes

2 months - £4.85 = $8.00
6 months - £6.06 = $10.00
12 months - £12.12 = $20.00
Permanent - £15.15 = $25.00

If you're interested in PR's, then PM me or E-mail me at
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