when the sun goes down

Sep 29, 2008 01:18


-ten- obsessions
[01] music
[02] dancing
[03] academics
[04] instruments
[05] vocals
[06] poetry
[07] money
[08] computers
[09] lyrics
[10] my friends
(in no particular order)

-twenty- things i like about me
[01] i have curly hair (i used to hate it)
[02] i haven't cut in almost six months
[03] i've overcome drug addictions
[04] i've overcome drinking addiction
[05] i'm the baby of my mom and dad's kids
[06] i get along with my father better
[07] i'm not letting abuse run my life, anymore
[08] my eyes change hues of brown
[09] i have a high pain tolerance
[10] i'm a good listener
[11] i love completely, when i love
[12] i haven't gotten pregnant (yet)
[13] i have a high gpa
[14] i can sing fairly well (when i'm not smoking loads)
[15] i am responsible
[16] i've accepted that i need help to get through life
[17] little kids love me
[18] animals love me
[19] i'm an avid reader and writer
[20] my friends are the best

-thirty- activities i enjoy
[01] playing trumpet
[02] playing saxophones
[03] playing flute
[04] playing french horn
[05] playing clarinet
[06] playing baritone
[07] playing piano
[08] singing
[09] dancing in the rain
[10] dancing in my room
[11] reading a mystery novel
[12] reading a romance novel
[13] marching
[14] laughing
[15] rollerblading
[16] clubbing
[17] smoking (cigarettes, you guys! cigarettes...not pot ><)
[18] making love to a female
[19] swimming
[20] driving
[21] seeing friends
[22] traveling
[23] playing truth or dare
[24] sleeping
[25] dancing to no music
[26] attending school
[27] having recess (god i miss elem. school!)
[28] planning shit
[29] rearranging my room
[30] babysitting

-fourty- family facts
[01] I'm named after my father (first name)
[02] My father and I have the same initials: DHY
[03] I am the youngest of twenty grandkids on my mother's side, and the youngest of four grandkids on my father's side
[04] My mom is a registered nurse
[05] My dad dropped out of college
[06] I was seven pounds, fourteen ounces when I was born
[07] My brother was seven pounds, seven ounces
[08] My brother inherited the house in Georgia, but he was born in Florida
[09] When my mom passes, I inherit the Florida house, but was born in Georgia
[10] I'm ambidexturous; my mother, father, brother, and both sisters are right-handed
[11] My great grandfather (Father's mother's father) committed suicide via overdose
[12] I gave my family a scare in March by overdosing
[13] I have four female cousins; two on each side
[15] I only talked to my grandfather on my dad's side around four times
[16] Those four times were via email
[17] And I never met him before he died
[18] I've moved three times
[19] Two times were moves to the same place in Florida - this house
[20] I went to private school for five months
[21] I had the highest GPA in the high school at the end of those five months
[22] My mother's side is big-boned
[23] I inherited this trait
[24] I fell in love at twelve
[24] And love him to this day, in a different waya
[25] My mom fell in love at sixteen
[26] With my father
[27] He was her first sexual partner
[28] My brother is twelve years older than me
[29] We have different dads
[30] My mom had me when she was 34
[31] My dad was 33
[32] My parents have the same birthday
[33] My mom has no toenails
[34] My brother was a meth-addict
[35] My grandpa, grandfather, dad, uncle, and two cousins have been/are in the military
[36] I've never met my father's daughter, my half-sister
[37] She refuses to meet me
[38] She's twenty-seven
[39] My parents were never married
[40] I have one niece and two nephews

-fifty- things i dislike about mysel
[01] I'm fat
[02] I'm ugly
[03] I'm insecure
[03] I think too much about myself
[04] I'm paranoid
[05] I'm a scaredy cat
[06] I've got scars lining my left arm
[06] and my legs
[07] and my breasts
[08] and my abdomen
[09] I'm not a virgin
[10] I smoke cigarettes
[11] I anger easily
[12] I'm easily offended and hurt
[13] I tend to push people away
[14] I'm tired all the time
[15] I'm too young to get into clubs, legally
[16] I'm fat
[17] I care what people think
[18] I can't draw
[19] I can't color
[20] I can't play music by ear
[21] I can't write musical scores
[22] I can't win at trivia games
[23] I can't identify many emotions
[24] I drink too much tea
[25] I seldom think before I speak
[26] I am getting a gastric bypass surgery
[27] I anger my mother
[28] I'm afraid of authorative figures
[29] I'm submissive
[30] I eat too much
[31] I'm fat
[32] I act like my father
[33] I'm afraid I'll end up doing to my children what my father did to his
[34] I can't make it through the week if I miss two days of meds
[35] I take the same amount of antidepressants as my mother
[35] And medication for impuslive behavior
[36] I am fickle
[37] I can't hold down a relationship
[38] I can't say no
[39] I can't swim as well as I used to
[40] I'm borderline anemic because of massive blood loss
[41] I ODed in March
[42] And when I ODed, I took so much that within half an hour, my veins began deflating and they couldn't find a vein for an IV
[43] I remember all the bad things
[44] I never remember the good
[45] I'm an all or nothing person
[46] I have no self-control
[47] I give up too easily
[48] I complain too much
[49] I don't say "I love you" enough, to my mom
[50] I don't appreciate my mom enough.

-sixty- things i want to do before i die [Done = crossed out]
[01] Graduate high school
[02] Get into college
[03] Get a part-time job to help pay for college
[03] Meet someone who I feel comfortable spending the rest of my life with
[05] Get my Ph.D. in child & adolescent counseling psychology
[06] Help at least one kid through their times of trouble, safely.
[07] Never lose a kid to suicide.
[08] Not cut, permanently. Thus far.
[09] Get married, or not. It matters not to me.
[10] Have at least one child, naturally.
[11] Become a foster parent
[12] Meet my Aunt Dale
[13] and her partner, Lena
[14] and Dale's daughters, my cousins, Dara and Dani
[15] Find my sister, Beth
[16] and meet her
[17] See my brother off drugs
[18] Form a strong bond with my brother
[19] Forgive my father
[20] Have a pitbull
[21] Have a doberman, again
[22] Have a roctweiler, again
[23] Own my own house
[24] And my own land
[24] And my own car
[25] Send my kids off to college
[26] and see my grandkids born
[27] Meet my Rini, and Zil
[28] Move out of Florida
[29] Stop smoking
[30] Never develop a routine
[31] Help people
[32] Crawl into bed at night and feel safe!
[33] Get off of antidepressants
[34] and impulsive behavior medicine
[35] Get healthy - I am healthy, just obese.
[36] Do a one-handed hand stand
[37] Bungee jump
[38] Skydive
[39] Parasurf
[40] Earn my mom's trust, again
[41] Travel across a desert
[42] Go to Germany
[43] Go to England
[44] Go to France
[45] Go to Scotland to see the old castles
[47] Always remember my Great Grandma Long
[48] Sing in front of a large crowd
[49] Have one of my poems published in a well-known publication
[50] Write a book, fictional or factual
[51] To feel loved
[52] Accept that life isn't perfect
[53] Publish the book previously mentioned
[54] Ride bareback (a...horse...you pervs!)
[55] Learn to ride side-saddle
[56] Run a mile without stopping
[57] Learn to ice skate
[58] Go to Canada
[59] Work at a high school as a counselor, in my old age
[60] To love



-ten- obsessions
[01] Reading
[02] Music
[03] Driving
[04] Spending money
[05] Computers
[06] Lyrics
[07] House
[08] Jon & Kate Plus 8
[09] Harry Potter
[10] The Gym
(in no particular order)

-twenty- things i like about me
[01] I'm loyal
[02] I'm reliable
[03] I'm not as dramatic as I was at 16 (lol)
[04] I graduated high school a year early
[05] I've made it this far toward my AA
[06] I have a plan in motion for my PsyD
[07] I have a career plan, in the form of the Army
[08] I'm getting into shape, working out at a gym
[09] I finally have tattoos/piercings, which I always wanted
[10] I type relatively fast
[11] I still love completely, when I love.
[12] I still haven't gotten pregnant, yet. (Only like this because of financial situation)
[13] I don't drink often; probably only 4/5 times a year.
[14] I'm independent.
[15] I'm still responsible.
[16] I can handle my depression on my own.
[17] Little kids still love me.
[18] Animals still love me.
[19] I get along excellently with my mom.
[20] I don't think I have life figured out, completely, yet.

-thirty- activities i enjoy
[01] Reading
[02] MySpace
[03] Working out
[04] Driving
[05] Spending money
[06] Singing
[07] Sleeping
[08] Dancing
[09] Watching Jon & Kate Plus 8
[10] Watching House
[11] Swimming
[12] Finding old journals lol
[13] Reading old poems I wrote
[14] Laughing (now I know how I made 30 of these... writing little things xD)
[15] Clubbing
[16] Smoking (even though it's bad for you.)
[17] Drinking, socially.
[18] Going out to dinner with friends.
[19] Going to movies with friends.
[20] Planning.
[21] Making lists.
[22] Clothes shopping.
[23] Okay... I don't do that many things!!!
[24] Going to my Religion Class
[25] Going to my History Class
[26] Taking tests without having to go to lectures
[27] And
[28] I
[29] Don't
[30] Know

-fourty- family facts
[01] I'm named after my father (first name)
[02] My father and I have the same initials: DHY
[03] I am the youngest of twenty grandkids on my mother's side, and the youngest of four grandkids on my father's side
[04] My mom is a retired registered nurse
[05] My dad dropped out of college
[06] I was seven pounds, fourteen ounces when I was born
[07] My brother was seven pounds, seven ounces
[08] My brother inherited the house in Georgia, but he was born in Florida
[09] When my mom passes, I inherit the Florida house, but was born in Georgia
[10] I'm ambidexturous; my mother, father, brother, and both sisters are right-handed
[11] My great grandfather (Father's mother's father) committed suicide via overdose [this is something I'd forgotten about lmao]
[12] I gave my family a scare in March by overdosing
[13] I have four female cousins; two on each side
[14] (I DON'T KNOW THIS MANY FACTS!) My grandparents on my mother's side are both deceased, and my grandfather on my father's side is deceased.
[15] I only talked to my grandfather on my dad's side around four times
[16] Those four times were via email
[17] And I never met him before he died
[18] I've moved three five times
[19] Two times were moves to the same place in Florida - this house Mom's house
[20] I went to private school for five months
[21] I had the highest GPA in the high school at the end of those five months
[22] My mother's side is big-boned
[23] I inherited this trait
[24] I fell in love at twelve
[24] And love him to this day, in a different way
[25] My mom fell in love at sixteen
[26] With my father
[27] He was her first sexual partner
[28] My brother is twelve years older than me
[29] We have different dads
[30] My mom had me when she was 34
[31] My dad was 33
[32] My parents have the same birthday
[33] My mom has no toenails
[34] My brother was a meth-addict
[35] My grandpa, grandfather, dad, uncle, and two cousins have been/are in the military
[36] I've never met my father's daughter, my half-sister
[37] She refuses to meet me
[38] She's twenty-seven thirty-one now.
[39] My parents were never married
[40] I have one niece and two nephews
[Most of those are just left from before... obviously.]

-fifty- things i dislike about mysel
[01] I am clinically obese, but working on it.
[02] I have mild acne.
[03] I'm somewhat insecure, but not always.
[03] I spend money too much.
[04] I have a lower pain tolerance than I'd like.
[05] I am short.
[06] I've got scars lining my left arm
[06] and my legs
[07] and my breasts
[08] and my abdomen
[09] My lips are never moist
[10] I smoke cigarettes
[11] I bite my nails... still.
[12] I am never in a relationship, though I dunno whether that's my fault or not xD
[13] I am a pushover
[14] I'm overly nice
[15] I forgive too easily
[16] Yet I hold a personal grudge forever
[17] I care what people think
[18] I can't draw
[19] I ...
[20] I can't play music by ear
[21] I can't write musical scores
[22] I can't win at trivia games
[23] Don't ...
[24] I drink too much tea
[25] I don't work out as much as I ought to.
[26] Have ...
[27] I get mad at my mom easily.
[28] A ...
[29] I'm submissive
[30] I eat too much junk food
[31] Clue ...
[32] I act like my father
[33] What ...
[34] To ...
[35] Write ...
[35] Any ...
[36] I am fickle
[37] More ... (yes, I realize anymore is one word)
[38] It's hard for me to say no
[39] I can't swim as well as I used to
[40] This ...
[41] I ODed in March of 2005
[42] And when I ODed, I took so much that within half an hour, my veins began deflating constricting and they couldn't find a vein for an IV
[43] I remember all the bad things
[44] I never don't always remember the good
[45] I'm an all or nothing person
[46] Is ...
[47] I give up too easily
[48] Really ...
[49] Hard ...
[50] I don't appreciate my mom enough.

-sixty- things i want to do before i die
[01] Get my BA
[02] Get my PsyD
[03] Continue to be independent from now on
[03] Never move back in with my mother
[05] Lose 120 pounds
[06] Pass the Army entrance exams
[07] Join the Army as a Commissioned Officer
[08] Work as a Clinical Psychologist in the Army
[09] Find someone worth spending a lifetime with (which... probably won't happen - I'll settle for 10-15 good years.)
[10] Have at least one child, naturally. (Preferably 3)
[11] Become a foster parent
[12] Adopt at least 2 children
[13] Travel to Germany
[14] Travel to Russia
[15] Travel to New Zealand
[16] Travel to Spain
[17] Travel to Iceland
[18] Travel to Greenland
[19] Own a doberman, again
[20] Have a rotweiler, again.
[21] See my niece grow into a woman.
[22] See what becomes of my autistic nephew.
[23] See what becomes of his brother.
[24] Have grandchildren.
[24] Own a brand new vehicle.
[25] Become organized.
[26] Learn to enjoy cleaning.
[27] Move out of Florida.
[28] Stop smoking.
[29] Help people.
[30] See a war zone.
[31] Have extremely high self-esteem, like bordering arrogance. xD
[32] Never gain back the excess weight.
[33] Bungee jump
[34] Sky dive
[35] Parasurf
[36] Travel across a desert
[37] Travel to South America
[38] Go to Ireland to see the celtic sites
[39] Go to Scotland to see the old castles
[40] Ride a horse bareback.
[41] Learn to ride side-saddle.
[42] Then ride side-saddle.
[43] Learn to ice skate (which I imagine is like rollerblading...)
[44] Love
[45] And learn to be loved
[47] Learn to take compliments well
[48] Go skiing
[49] Go snowboarding
[50] Visit the Alps in Germany
[51] Visit a "primitive" tribe
[52] Live without modern accomodations for 1 month
[53] Write a book
[54] Publish said book
[55] Actually get a pedicure (not down with feet, yo'!)
[56] Attend my father's funeral without bitterness
[57] Own a bearded dragon
[58] Own a ferret
[59] Own a constrictor snake (dunno what species, yet)
[60] Never base my self worth on relationships

I dunno how much has changed... o.o Except I can't think of as many bullshit answers as I used to be able to. lol Oh well.
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