Happy December!

Dec 01, 2010 22:27

December had come in with a coldfront, which is just how I like it. I need to dig out my advent calendars. But today I'm just enjoying the fact that I am Done With Things. For the last two months solid I have been working on something or away from home every single day. But now I am done! I can turn my attentions to the Grim Reaper book, which I'm ( Read more... )

books, ukulele, grim reaper book

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Comments 12

jessica_shea December 2 2010, 22:08:58 UTC
Ooh, it's so cool that you're learning to play! I'm buying Steve a ukulele for Christmas! A friend of ours plays, and he was inspired by her + the Amanda Palmer Ukulele Radiohead cover album. It's kinda funny--he's going to be opening a Ravens football jersey and a ukulele and a Neil Gaiman T-shirt. Such a hodgepodge of things!

Good luck with the Reaper! I just read Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine over Thanksgiving and it's the first MG that's won my heart in awhile. I have a bunch on my TBR shelf though.


fabulousfrock December 3 2010, 18:03:06 UTC
That is a hodgepodge! But a good one. I need to get that Amanda Palmer album, you're like the fifth person to mention it... Well, maybe someday when I live in Lancaster (or closer...having mulled over my trip, I still like Frederick and the north side of Baltimore best! I think we'll probably see if we can luck into a deal in MD and have PA as a backup) Steve and I can have a ukulele jam. Hee. I ought to be pretty decent at it by 2012!

I'm definitely pickier about MG than YA...No, okay, that's not true, I'm really picky about YA too. I guess I should say the plots of MG don't appeal to me as much, usually. But it's kind of fun working on one! I feel like I'm really getting in touch with the kinds of things I LOVED in books when I was a kid and I keep getting all these memories of books...


fabulousfrock January 21 2011, 14:04:15 UTC


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