(no subject)

Jun 08, 2005 00:38

flyingpinkbunnie: >.< watashi wa ANGRY
flyingpinkbunnie: i would make some kind of sweatdrop if i could
flyingpinkbunnie: and then a plus sign to represent bulging veins in my forehead
The Darkest Hole: x_\/_x (^)
The Darkest Hole: i tried.
The Darkest Hole: that looks more like frogger flipping someone off
flyingpinkbunnie: o.O;;
flyingpinkbunnie: i agree
flyingpinkbunnie: (O_O) --d
flyingpinkbunnie: kirby is apalled but also gives a thumbs-up.
The Darkest Hole: (O__O)---O|=| kirby is on methamphetamine but is punching what appears to be hitler
The Darkest Hole: i feel as though ive failed.
flyingpinkbunnie: tiny robot hitler
flyingpinkbunnie: maybe with a bag over his head
The Darkest Hole: campbells hitler
flyingpinkbunnie: as photographed by andy warhol
The Darkest Hole: hahahahahahahah
The Darkest Hole: the more i look at it, the more i realize its more like kirby punching a tiny troll house window with a dehumidifier
The Darkest Hole: or you know waht
The Darkest Hole: what*
flyingpinkbunnie: or toll house cookie
flyingpinkbunnie: kirby is angry and hungry
The Darkest Hole: hahahahah
The Darkest Hole: my kirby in his entirety looks like Dr. Suess' interpretation of a tank
flyingpinkbunnie: i agree
flyingpinkbunnie: "oh, the places you'll invade!"
The Darkest Hole: Congratulations!
Today is your day.
You're off to annihilate races, faiths, and gays!

The Darkest Hole: You have brains in your hands
You have guts in your shoes
You can steer yourself
into killing the jews
You're on your own.  And you know what you know. and in not too long you'll be killing the poles!

The Darkest Hole: does that worK?
The Darkest Hole: -K+k
flyingpinkbunnie: In your high flying forfafloos,
your plain-clearing tesserets,
you'll massacre many,
you'll leave their lands desolate!
The Darkest Hole: Brilliant!
flyingpinkbunnie: oh, the places you'll invade,
when you know where to go!
there's europe, asia,
and any continent you know!
flyingpinkbunnie: you can trample down Belgium,
you can invade northern France,
you could even hijack Switzerland,
if they'd just change their stance.
The Darkest Hole: must reupdate livejournal
The Darkest Hole: i feel like melissa
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