Completed: 12/20/07
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“Siwon, it’s not that I don’t care for you. It’s not that…”
Hankyung turned his face from his dongseng, turning his full focus on the tiled bathroom floor. Didn’t Siwon know this was a highly peculiar place to be doing this? It made sense, since it was actually private, unlike some of the other rooms, but…. He might not have minded so much otherwise, if it had been somewhere else. It might have even been a bit fun.
“Please, please. You really have to. There’s no one else but you! You’re…you’re all I have here.” The younger man grasped his chest, directly over his heart. His face suddenly became heavy with desperation, his dimples showing in a grieved expression.
The Chinese man sighed and pushed all the passion he could into his voice, his eyes finally meeting Siwon’s. “Listen to me! You just don’t understand how different we really are! I thought I could care about you. Honestly thought I could love you.” His voice echoed resolutely throughout the room, almost harsh against his own ears.
“Don’t you say that to me! I know that it can’t be that easy just to step on my heart.”
“No. I’ve seen the way you’ve looked at me, and how often I’ve returned those glances….”
“Yah, Siwon! Stop, stop!”
“Hankyung-hyung, what is it! Why do you keep interrupting?”
“No more.” Throwing the book he’d been holding the entire time to the tiles, the man in question shook his head. “Why did you agree to be in that drama again? So greasy.” With a slight shiver, he began to mock clean his hands off on his jeans. His foot kicking the script a bit closer to Siwon instead.
“It’s ‘cheesy.’ And besides, hyung, it’s not that bad!” The other boy began to pout a little, rocking on the balls of his feet. On the verge of tantrum. “Come on, please keep reading!
Hankyung pouted back, somewhat, his voice taking on a slightly whining tone. “But I can’t read half of it! Hangul’s too hard. Ask another member.” Turning, giving the script a furtive and final kick, he turned to leave.
Siwon was almost in full tantrum at this point, partway bouncing on his feet. “Hankyung-hyung, you’re lying about fluency again! Don’t be so mean to me. Please just help a little longer!”
Sigh. With a slight turn, he looked over at the younger man. “Aish…. Fine, But only because I’m too nice, and you really need help. But I won’t call you oppa!”
“Hankyung-hyung, thank you, thank you!”
And suddenly, Hankyung had a very grateful, much taller man glomping him until he could only wheeze out, “Yah, S….Siwon….Can’t breathe…”
“Oh, oh. I’m sorry.” Siwon laughed, giving a final squeeze to his hyung, before he pulled back. He cleared his throat, and left the Chinese man scrambling for the abused script at his feet as he started the scene all over again.