Completed: 12/27/07
Rating: PG-13, Strong Language.
Hey, let's go to the archive!)
Fist tightening around the remote, Kangin knows he probably looks pretty pissed.
He doesn’t really care all that much anymore.
Because he is pissed.
With a determined thumb, he turns the television’s volume down to a bare whisper. The contrived voices and perfectly timed music of the programming is only serving to add to his mood. After all, he can practically hear the blood boiling in his ears. A little more sound is just what he needs to set him off into a murderous rampage.
There’s no particular reason this time. Recently, there doesn’t have to be. He’s been in the center of so much shit lately; it’s hard to choose what should be the basis for his anger. Oh, it would be easy to cite the countless times he’s had to work instead of taking care of his personal life. How many times has he given up vacations for reality shows? How often has he had to apologize to his family-over the fucking phone, no less- for breaking promised visits and plans?
Oh. And there’s all of that controversy bullshit with the schedules, which was completely not his fault. But of course, the managers took him down a notch or two anyway. “Because you know,” he mutters to himself. “Youngwoon makes the schedules. He just likes getting fired and causing trouble with the broadcasters!”
“You know, he probably does. Kangin-hyung, you should have a talk with that Youngwoon character. He likes hoarding the T.V. too.”
Surprised by the sudden voice, Kangin starts, almost cries out. Just as a hand brushes his, making just enough contact to slip away with the remote. Dorm mate-of course. Deep frown. Eh, and I used to think living alone would be lonely.
In an instant, he screws on his best glare as the body the voice/hand belongs to plops down comfortably beside him.
Donghae receives the gesture with a smile so full of warmth that Kangin decides not to punch him. Even when the T.V. returns to full volume on a documentary marathon centered on violent hauntings and extraterrestrials. When the annoying vocalizations pop up in the background music and the younger man clings to him for comfort, his fists almost reconsider.
“Yah, get the hell out. There are at least six other people you could bother.”
Silence for a few moments. Then a commercial.
“Well, there are a lot of people I could bother, hyung. But I feel like watching television with you right now, so I’m here instead. Besides, you know, I heard something really strange about raccoons in Japan. Like, in some places, they have stories about demons in raccoon shapes, and-”
Wrapping an arm around his dongsaeng’s neck good-naturedly, Kangin sighs. Donghae stops dead in mid-story at the gesture, his eyes searching the older man’s face for signs of impending homicide. Kangin almost smiled at the dark, wide eyes fixed on him; remembering all the times the younger boy woke him up in the morning and had the good sense to run once the deed was done. Was he also formulating an escape plan?
The kid is really lucky he has a tendency to be adorable at just the right time.
Instead of addressing the situation, Kangin turns his attention to the documentary as it returns. An urge to laugh wells up in his stomach oddly enough, but he won’t give anybody the satisfaction of knowing they cheered him up so easily. No, definitely not.
”Well, if you want to watch, shut the hell up.”
“Okay, can do!”
Damn lucky kid.