[004] - Wonderful!

Dec 01, 2009 18:51

I believe it is an Earth phrase, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". Was this phrase originally applicable to a woman scorned by a lover?

My neighbors have been very naughty. Those like me. Other than Hong Kong, who was panicked but at least a bit helpful.

To My Neighbors, and to Those Whom Associate With Them:

You won't know when. You won't know how. But there will come a time when you will stand before judgment in front of me. I did not rise from ash and exhile to become the empirical power of this world and the world's abroad just to be treated so poorly by my neighbors. After all... I'm the only one who stands between you and the dangers that could be wrought to your people.

Maybe it will tickle.

Until next time, my beloved neighbors and dearest residents,
-- Sandria Arie ∴ Desai

((ooc; So. Nazi!Germany and Desai had a physical brawl. Lithuania was there in the hopes of calming Germany down, not successful, and Sparda was there for the lulz. Korea was a jerk. Hong Kong wasn't helpful, but he was decent. Because of all these elements, sometime in the future Desai is going to make everyone in the Hetalia crew (except Hong Kong) and EVERYONE they associate with are going to be hurtin'.))

post-event, letters to: nations, bad neighbors bad!

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