His name: Tom Gunderson
His age: 15
How many years between you: 1 about
How long have you been together: couple months
Hair color: eh, last I saw it was blonde but he said he was going to dye it black...soooo...eh?
Hair style: Growing a shag
Normal Outfit: jeans & a t-shirt
How did you meet: Best Friend Val...hes her step brother
How serious is it: as serious as it can be right now.
Do you love him: yes
Does he love you: sure does
Do your parents like him: yea
Do your friends like him: sure do.
Do you trust him: yes
Enough to drive your car(assuming you have one): yea, but i dont have one
Would you share a toothbrush with him: yea?
Does he let you wear his pants: eh, havent asked
Do you have a shirt of his to sleep in that smells like him: nope
Do you like the way he smells: yes
Can you picture having kids with him: no
Does he want kids with you? i doubt it.
What do you like the most about him: hes crazy and his personality
What bothers you the most about him: not a thing
Does he have a temper: not tords me
What is the best present you ever gave him: me
Does he have a cute nickname for you: nope
Do you have a nickname for him: My Uber Happy
Does he embarrass you in public: fuck no we are retards.
Are you happy to be with him: im thrilled.