I think that I've fixed it...
1. Name: Kada
2. Age: 13
3. Sex: Female
4. Type(s) of SI: Cutting, Burning, I've ODed a few times and I'm anorexic.
5. How long: When I was 8 I started cutting with safety pins and it gradually grew from there.
6. Are you on any anti-depressants?: I'm on a few meds, here are a select few that I will mention: Zoloft(not working), Prozac, and Ritalin.
7. What feelings does SI bring you?: Self-Assurance? I guess it gives me a feeling of control. Like nothing can be worse, and all my pain goes away.
8. Have you ever been hospitalized?: A few times...
9. Any suicide attempts?: Oh geez...Numerous. Just last week I tried...
10. Pick five adjectives to describe yourself: Alone, Misfit, Loser, Freak, Artsy