anything but ordinary, please.

Jul 04, 2011 07:20

hey! this is my entry for round 13 of agreene20in20 + some alternates, with my subject, of course, ashley greene. this post remains public until the challenge ends.


Rules: Please make sure to comment if you take or like. Be specific.
Please make sure to credit me if you use. (correct way to credit at the bottom)
Please DO NOT hotlink.
Do not claim my art as your own.
Do not edit any of my art. They are NOT Bases!


facial expression laugh favourite outfit event (sun)glasses

      upside down multilayer faceless negative space looking down

5 CATEGORY - different crops

#1. #2. #3. #4. #5.


artist's choice #1 artist's choice #2 artist's choice #3 artist's choice #4 artist's choice #5


1 - 5

6 - 10

11 - 12

Please make sure to comment if you take or like. Be specific.
Please make sure to credit me or fade_art  if you use. like this:

Please DO NOT hotlink.
Do not claim my art as your own.
Do not edit any of my art. They are NOT Bases!

drop me a line. leave a comment.

Join fade_art  team_kbitch , pennylane_art , stewart_stills , greenestills , celebs20in20, twicast20in20  and elitegreenestew !

20in20 challenge, type: icons, celeb: ashley greene

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