Title: One Past Midnight
fade_in2_dreams Pairing: Faye x Spike
Rating: PG-PG13
Word Count: 189
Disclaimer: Cowboy Bebop is not mine, this is not for profit,etc.
first time writing this OTP, hope I didn't do too bad
One Past Midnight
She was tired of crying.
Her eyes were swollen, her face red as the moon on Mars, and her hair was starting to resemble Ed’s.
She was a fucking mess.
And still she stays, her eyes never leaving his motionless form, waiting.
[Waiting for him to wake up, waiting for him to love her, waiting for him to leave her again.]
Faye hates waiting.
Hell, she even hates him sometimes.
But she stays anyway and she doesn’t know why.
Maybe she loves him. Maybe she simply has nowhere else to go.
But at the end, she stays.
Stupid Faye, don’t you know that you’ll only get hurt?
She smokes her last cigarette and gets up from her chair, wiping away a few stray tears.
Nothing seems to make sense any more, but then again, nothing ever did when it came to him.
She lies down beside him, gently holding his hand between hers as if her touch alone could cure every cut, every bruise on his broken body.
Maybe she loves him. Maybe she doesn’t.
But at the end she stays with him.
And that’s all that matters.