Title: Is that in feet, or inches?
faded_citylitesLength: oneshot
Genre: fail crack. lol.
Rating: G :P
Pairing: none~ kibum pov. haha.
Note: a really, really short oneshot created by the minds of joey(me), deedee (
lazychaoz), and sarah (
iflysarah) while at california adventures. :'DD apparently it was goth day or something. either ways. we saw big boots. scary ~
"Jjong, there's a package for you from the fans," Kibum announces, head peeking through the doorway of their shared room. "I wonder what it is," he weighs it in his hands and snorts. "Probably something stupid, like boots or something." He waits a few more minutes and when there's no answer, he leaves the package at the doorway and returns to the kitchen to perform his motherly duties.
While he prepares the dinner for the night, he's almost certain he hears a "YES! My plan is complete!" coming from the bedroom. He shakes his head and focuses on getting the kimchi jiggae to the level of perfection. Yes, he's Kim Kibum, and yes, perfection is possible.
"Hyung, what exactly are you wearing?" Kibum looks down at the horribly elevated boots Jonghyun has on his feet. They're giant, black ones that he would assume belongs to some gothic teenager and has been given to Jonghyun as some sort of a sick joke.
"You like?" Jonghyun looks up eagerly at Kibum. The expression on his face is much like that of an excited puppy's and Kibum almost doesn't have the heart to tell the other man that, No. No I don't like your boots, they're hideous. Please take them off. Almost. Instead, he stares distastefully at them, and informs his hyung exactly what he thinks of them, earning a few gasps accompanied by an offended look.
"Why Kibum, if that's really how you feel, I don't think we have anything left to discuss." Jonghyun crosses his arms and raises his head in the opposite direction, not-so-subtly hinting for Kibum to apologize, or do something of the sort.
"I agree entirely, hyung." Kibum turns around to leave, feeling as though the fashion diva in him has died a little, but not before catching a loud "Just wait, Kibum! I'll show you! These boots will make me even more famous!". As he's walking to the living room, he considers asking manager-hyung to let him take a short leave. He could use a nice break from all of this - this and Jonghyun.
A month later, they're attending an awards show, and of course, Jonghyun is wearing his hideous boots. The five of them make their usual entrance, greet all the important people - and maybe some friends in the same company - as instructed by their manager, and find their seats. A good hour into the event, they reach the section where they're a nominee for the award. Kibum doesn't entirely believe they'll get it, but anticipates it anyways.
His psychic powers don't fail him, and when they're up on the stage, all he can think about is how amazing it feels to win an award for all their hard work and tries his best to smile as he holds in the tears.
Jonghyun, strangely enough, isn't on the verge of tears for once, and instead, has stolen the mic from Jinki. He almost wishes Jinki would assert his authority as their leader and take the mic back from Jonghyun before Jonghyun can give his acceptance speech, but Jinki's too nice to do that. So, he stands there and waits for the words to come so they can quickly get off the stage and back to their seats, where he'll pray that everyone suddenly had memory loss and no one will ever have to remember that the horrible speech came from an idiot in the same group as Kibum, because knowing Jonghyun, it can't be good if he's got something to say.
"So, I'd like to thank everyone who supported us during the hard times and were so kind to give us their love. Also, I'd like to thank Lee Sooman, the producers, and all the other members of the staff who work so hard to set everything up for us. Everyone, thank you so much." Jonghyun stops, (or so Kibum thinks) and he decides that maybe he's misjudged his hyung- "Oh! And I'd also like to thank the fans who sent me these awesome boots, because now, I am finally taller than Minho, and therefore, am infinitely cooler than him. That is all. Thanks again." -but he takes it back.
From the corner of his eye, he catches Minho's snort, as well as the small mumble that went something along the lines of "Cooler, yeah right. That's like saying Jinki-hyung is the most graceful person on the planet." Kibum shakes his head, and waits for them to finish up their acceptance speech, and returns to his seat.
Kibum is more than a little exhausted by the time they finally reach their apartment after finishing up at the awards show. He immediately calls the shower ("No fair, hyung!" "Life isn't fair, Taemin.") and when he enters their bedroom to grab a change of clothes, he notices Minho typing away furiously on his laptop. He wonders if what happened tonight on stage has anything to do with it. He has suspicions, but he brushes them away in favor of a nice, hot shower and some beauty sleep afterwards.
It's sometime later in the week when he notices another package on their doorway, this time, addressed to Minho. He picks it up and is about to call for Minho when said person walks straight past him, hands grabbing the package out of his arms, before marching off to their bedroom. Kibum follows for the heck of it. He walks to the door and peeks through the crack, feeling very much like a stalker, but to hell with that; they all live in the same apartment anyways.
Minho speaks first. "Hyung, look what came in the mail today." Kibum shifts his eyes so that they're fixed on the box in Minho's hands. It's about the size of a shoebox and is encased in shiny, black wrapping paper, and it almost resembles the box he found a month ago, addressed to Jonghyun. He pales at the thought.
Jonghyun cocks an eyebrow, before narrowing his eyes. "What. Is that?" Minho smirks. "Shouldn't you know, hyung? The fans decided to give me a pair of those boots you got a while ago. Guess I'll be taller again, huh?" A pause. Minho's smirk grows wider and Jonghyun's eye twitches. Kibum blinks and covers his ears.
A/N: bad ending is bad. haha. but oh well :P just wrote this for the heck of it. and cuz deedee wouldn't write it ): i'm sure she'd do it more justice though.