Most of my entries will be Public from now on.
Because I'm a copy cat and I want to be just like Hope.
Jk Jk-->Even though I love her to death, till death.
I cant take any pressure anymore.
Well, actually.. Thats not the word for it.
Its more like: I cant take anything. Anyone.
I was late to class today, b/c I ran later(wow.)
Ms Boyd was a little pissed b/c I'm late to that class often.
We did some group thing. I laughed a lot. I always wonder why I'm okay sometimes, and other times I cant move in fear of falling into a deep dark whole that I'll never come out of, filled with the people I hate saying the meanest things that just make me wanna.. *I'll stop here.*
I dont get why kids call other kids names.. like Loser.. or Catwomen..
and I dont mean just "looser" cuz I call Katie that all the time *wink*..
But I mean.. this guy was absent today and name withheld said something about him being glad that kid wasnt here b/c he's a loser.
Yes, I did yell at him. I'm such a good mother, huh?
And that was the same kid who made fun of a gurl before break for dying her hair a pinkish color. He also calls her Catwomen b/c he believes she "worships cats".
I try my best to tell them thats not right.
I know its not.. b/c thats the kind of thing that drew me into this never ending black whole-that seems to be getting bigger with each hurtful word.
Another kid, who has hurt me a countless number of times by his actions and words, told one of my dear friends something rude about her hair. Something so unnescecary. Something so hurtful, yet unnescecary.
Yes, I yelled at him too.
But he got what he desearved. He's favorite shirt ripped moments after me yelling at him. Boy did that give away who it was. Heh Heh.
I dont know what it is about people.. that makes them think they can say things like that.. Do they not think? Were they raised horribly? No morals?
No idea. But I hate it. Not them, I only dislike them, but I HATE their words.
Words-->They can do so much...
Its like beer.. Use them wisely. Hehe I'm such a comedian, aint I?
Ohh Ohh.. Who am I?
"I better never seen ya'll usin bad gramma ya hear!"
Yes, I am Mrs Forrest.
Congrats, Pat on the back.
((That ryhmes.))