
Oct 25, 2010 21:41

So, after skipping Japanese last week we reviewed like... three quarters of the practice booklet today. Which I was kind of grateful for because some parts were like 'hnng do I put に or て or へ here???' Clarification was had. Now I have like... another three pages to do before wednesday.

I also have to study Icelandic again because clearly I can't retain enough vocab yet. At least sentence structure is similar to english. ;; I had to have a discussion with the computer in my ICEL lab today and everyone was dead in class this morning so our prof was just like 'Daaaamn, you guys had a brutal weekend or something?' and we all nodded.

Tomorrow I have useless class of useless. I guess at the very least I'll get to see how I did on that test. Probably kicked it's ass with no thanks to the instructor. B|

So, amazing discovery today. araphen have spoken before, but never realized it until today!! Weasel, will have realized this. Also, I'm awful for enabling to write so many AU! things. I still don't feel guilty though because everything she writes is awesome.

batmanboxers is also made of awesome and no words can express how wonderful she is!


I know there was probably more I meant to include in here but--OH RIGHT. EPISODE 6.06. WHY YOU SO BLANTENTLY SHIP THINGS? I swear, 6.03 did a good enough job of shipping it in the preview thing but 6.06 just like... doubled that.

Also, still so excited for con things why don't I have a job yet? you guys don't even knooow~
Just a heads up to everyone. 29th - 31st I'll be @ Winnipeg's Comic-Con so my presence may be even less than it is already.

Also, Misha Collins Twitter is still hilarious. I love it forever.


Summarize your top five to ten shows/movies/books/anime/video games/etc in 10 words or less. Have your friends guess what they are!

1. Awesome assassins taking down flamboyant villians in not!Europe
2. Badass doctors and blond lunatics
3. Zombies were never this sexy
4. Rich people with serious emotional problems
5. Everyday people with extraordinary secrets/issues
6. Two bros trippin' roads across 'merica
7. If Quentin Tarantino made a video game
8. The princess is a tranny, bnr
9. Two bros killin' in the name of God
10. Eat grass, get sick. Survive due to iron stomach

japanese, meme, school, languages, rl, icelandic, comic-con, why you guys so awesome?, supernatural, misha collins, flist

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