I know, I know, I haven't updated a while...be happy I updated at all.
So, yeah, I held a birthday party at my house on Saturday night, that involved me seeing friends I hadn't in seen in years and getting drunk off my ass. It was amazing. Although, the fact I got so drunk I don't remember things scares me, so I don't think I'm going to let myself drink that much again. Ok, maybe again, but I don't want to be that drunk. But yeah, here's a the summary of the night.
I told everyone to arrive at 9, as per my statement on here and also on the myspace invite I made. I roughly invited...about 25 people. Also, my sister's family attended, mostly because I really like having my older sister around when I drink, because she makes great drinks. Unfortunately, the kids had to come, but they behaved so I was happy. So yeah, only about 8 showed up out of the people I invited. But those 8 are my best friends, so it made me happy. Those friends were (in order they appeared): Michiyo, Fernando, Carolyn, Kristen, Ingrid, Paul, Jessika+bf Dean, and Jessica. Those of you I did invite you know who you are, and you suck for not coming, unless you had a good reason. Those of you who I didn't invite is because I don't like you. Unless your Chris Havican, in which case, its because I care about you the most that I didn't invite you and put in you in the environment in which you might hurt yourself. So, yeah, I'd tell you what I drank, but I only have a rough estimate...shall we?
3 or 4 beers.
3 Sex on the Beach's
1 Hurricane
1 Pina Colada
1 Chocolate milkshake liquor thing
5 shots of Jager Bombs
2 shots of Rumpleminze
I'm sure theres more, but thats what I can remember. I got so drunk I apparently called people late at night and I have no recollection of it. Some of you might think thats awesome, but it worries me because I could've done some stupid things and I don't remember. I woke up the next day with a weird sense of hopelessness. I dunno why. I just did. Hopelessness and a sense of nonexistance, as in I didn't feel like what was happening was real. Result of alcohol consumption? I have no idea. But it made me think a whole lot. Anyways..>
School is going well. Sort of....not really. I'm slacking, so I need to start studying more.
Girls girls girls.....in my social problems class. Very cute, very nice. I hope I get to become friends, if not a little bit more because they seem really sweet.
> birthday shoutouts <
I'd have more to say if my life was a little more involving, but it really isn't. I moved up a notch in my karate class. I have 2 stripes on my white belt.
Thats all I can think of.
I've gone on deleting rampages, mainly because I've come to not trust a few people...I've come to not want to associate myself with some people. I've come to grow a little bit lately, since turning 22 on the 5th of September, and I'm hoping it might make a good change. I've also been styling my hair different, which I think kind of goes with my change. Yeah. I dunno. Just a thought...a deep thought.
So, to end this, fuck you all who aren't my friends.
Much love to all of you who've been there for me and showed me love and I've never actually had a chance to say I care.