day thirteen: like the angel heaven let me think was you - elle/mohinder - heroes - fanfiction

Dec 13, 2007 21:44

Title: like the angel heaven let me think was you
Rating: R
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Mohinder/Elle
Characters: Mohinder Suresh, Elle Bishop (Molly Walker, Matt Parkman)
Word Count: 1736
Spoilers: Right through to 2x11 "Powerless".
Summary: bob brushes you off and says something about elle working with you in the lab.
Note: Day thirteen of my 25 Fics ( Read more... )

ch: mohinder suresh, ch: elle bishop, !fanfiction, ship: elle/mohinder, *r, - heroes

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Comments 17

made_in_ink December 13 2007, 12:54:21 UTC
This is fabulous! Really! Its dark and emotion fuelled and I love it. I'm not the worlds biggest Mohinder fan but this is fantastic! You're Elle is brilliant, the way she plays with Molly and watches is Disney is cute (even if she did have alterior motives) and so Elle-like.

Also, I've made your Christmas present. Do you want me to attact it to a comment or post it in my lj whenever I make a post next?


sparkfading December 13 2007, 12:55:44 UTC
YAY! So glad you liked it hon. :D ♥

OMGZZZZ, whatever makes you happy will make me happy!!! *spasms*


made_in_ink December 13 2007, 12:59:54 UTC
Heres the link to it:

I hope you like it. Its a banner for your journal but if you need it altered or changed feel free to ask. If you don't like I promise I won't be offended and will make you a new one ;)


sparkfading December 13 2007, 13:01:19 UTC
askfjkeodkjfpdkfpdksf HOLY FUCK THAT IS AWESOME. DUDE, I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! When I get up in the morning (cos it's midnight here yo, too late to alter layouts *yawn*) I am going to change my layout for it. I seriously fucking love it. It's gorgeous. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!! ♥


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sparkfading December 13 2007, 20:23:09 UTC
Aww, thank you so much! Glad you liked it.

*facepalm* Thanks for the heads up. Clearly I am made of fail.


midnightxgarden December 13 2007, 17:52:34 UTC
*does happy dance of amazing-ness*

This is fantastic!

It's so much more than I ever hoped for and even more so, it's so much better than my prompt. I love it!!!!!!!!!! *squees*

And that’s when you know she’s the most sadistic person you’ve ever met.

That's my favorite line!

So. Much. Love!!!



sparkfading December 13 2007, 20:22:25 UTC
Aww, thank you sooo much hon! I'm really really glad you enjoyed it. :D:D ♥


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sparkfading December 14 2007, 21:44:28 UTC
Aww, thanks so much! Oh wow, thanks! I've got a few Elle fic and videos so I'll have to cross-post them. :D


force_oblique December 14 2007, 20:20:12 UTC
That was really fascinating!
I loved reading it!
There was such beauty in your description and it was really nicely written, very believable and I thought that Elle could totally act like this!
And I loved that line, I could really see it in my head and it is so true about Molly:
She and Molly chatter over dinner as if they’ve been best friends their whole lives - which isn’t too surprising since she is quite like an overgrown child in so many ways.


sparkfading December 14 2007, 21:45:12 UTC
Aww, thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it. :D


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