Some time ago, the ever-insane Deuce posted a list of his beliefs. One line in particular stuck and echoed in the back of my head, and won't let go unless I say something
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Odd thing abound, recently. Odd thoughts. Dark musings. Weird stories to tell. Need to catch up soon. The clock is ticking, after all. Get it out before it fades, or I choke on it
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A november report in the Northwestern University daily newspaper described Dr. Michael Bailey's research project (which had already been vetted by the school's ethics people) to determine sexual arousal rates of females by showing them heterosexual and lesbian erotic images
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"Look at them, who call themselves adult -- they eat, they work, they sleep. Their pleasures are gross and ugly, their lives are squalid and dark. They no longer feel, or hurt, or dream."
"And they *hurt* us. They say that every adult has successfully killed at least one child, heh?"
Happy Holidays, everyone! Hope you all survive the experience...
Don't worry, I shall continue bleeding for public viewing as soon as I return. Might even post a normal "this is what I did recently" entry. Just to be different.