Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have.
- Um, it's me. Comprende?
- Mmmmm Deeeeean. Dean's baaaaack. In hospital scrubs. Yummmm. (note to self, must write Dean/Izzie hospital porn one day)
- A sexy Chloe-icon! God I love this photo. *mini-drool*
- Thelma/Leon, my Hex OTP! :D It took soooo long to find a picture of them together, and then
vylentcrymz made me this fab-o icon. :D
- OK, this should be no-explanation-necessary. Just Jared beind absolutely adorable. *loves*
- My House OT3! :D I had this picture as a layout at one point. Isn't it purty? And also, hot. ;)
- Mac and Bronson! I can't wait to see more of them together. They're so cute. And hopefully he isn't a mass-murder or a rapist, or just completely insane. ;)
- Yaaaay Claire/Zach! They're so sweet together, and he's totally the only person left she can trust and even if I only get their friendship on screen, that's enough for me because sometimes the best reletionships are just friends.
- OMFG DENNY! Yeah, no explanation needed. I just can't fucking wait til this Friday. ;)
- Mmmm Dwight/Jim. *shiver* Aw c'mon, as if you all don't love it. LOL. And as if we all don't know Jim teases and pranks Dwight cos he's hiding his true feelings. Yupyup. ;p
Too bad, I'm one icon off having one more to do here. Darn.
And because I can:
(1) Check out my userpics
(2) Fill out the following questions listed below in a reply to this post.
(3) Optional: Post this meme in your journal.
The Prompts
i. Favourite icon overall
ii. Favourite character icon
iii. Favourite couple icon
iv. Favourite non-canon couple icon
v. Favourite icon from a fandom you are unfamiliar with
vi. Favourite icon made by me
vii. Icon you don't understand