Jun 04, 2010 21:01
- 23:16 @ jedieyecandy Don't believe her, I saw her painting her toenails on camera! She showed me her new nail polish! #
- 03:40 You know what you need to do today but you may have a hard tim... More for Scorpio twittascope.com/?sign=8 #
- 19:05 @ blindingechoes Oh it's the kids weekend? *huggles* Well, I'm here if you need to hide. *huggles again.* (cont) tl.gd/1m6pth #
- 19:12 @ blindingechoes Oh fun. Colds suck, So it's a one night only gig with the kids. Me I've been falling asleep (cont) tl.gd/1m6rv6 #
- 19:17 @ blindingechoes Shhhh, it has nothing to do with being up til almost an hour after you passed out cause I was (cont) tl.gd/1m6tp8 #
- 19:25 @ blindingechoes Yep, currently rereading the one with Gwen and Owen when Lacey first joined the team. You know, (cont) tl.gd/1m70f0 #
- 20:02 Back from dinner, tired and bored, need either sleep or entertainment. #
- 20:19 @ blindingechoes When we got really obsessive over them? I've got my pets all out of control again, I might just (cont) tl.gd/1m7klo #
- 20:23 @ blindingechoes Yeah, I feel that way too about stuff, including tags right now, I'm feeling so blah about them. (cont) tl.gd/1m7men #
- 20:32 @ blindingechoes Meh, did most of them, got one more in me which I was saving for the Doctor Master cuddles All (cont) tl.gd/1m7q96 #
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