Jun 22, 2010 21:01
- 00:59 My internet had the strangest hiccup ever it wouldn't let me access certain websites, like I was behind a firewall, it was odd. #
- 04:00 The Moon's current visit to your sign heightens your emotions ... More for Scorpio twittascope.com/?sign=8 #
- 07:48 @ blindingechoes lol that's great. From what I hear popular ship #
- 07:55 @ blindingechoes hon I don't watch the show and I ship it. They are very cute #
- 07:59 @ blindingechoes twitter being retarded again? #
- 08:03 @ blindingechoes pull an Amy and bite it #
- 08:14 @ blindingechoes so two questions have you slept and how's the arm? #
- 08:20 @ blindingechoes at least they worked for something. I barely slept too. Really don't want to be awake at the moment #
- 08:27 @ blindingechoes I am in bed. I'm just hiding cause I hurt and they annoy me. *drags you to bed and curls up with you #
- 08:34 @ blindingechoes ahh I see. Mine is free at the moment but Danny keeps walking in and out. I'm about to give up and jump on the computer #
- 08:38 @ blindingechoes I saw the new micro kitty you bred I assume. Darling #
- 08:49 @ blindingechoes I do want one I do I do! #
- 08:57 @ blindingechoes one sounds good for now #
- 14:38 RT @CysticFibrosisF: @NoelClarke Please RT:To see if we can get some more Celeb support for #cysticfibrosisUK (cont) tl.gd/228srr #
- 14:40 @ CysticFibrosisF Don't give up I saw your video of Celebs already behind you on this. My older brother died of (cont) tl.gd/228ter #
- 14:49 @ CysticFibrosisF It was a very long time ago, I was just a toddler, but my family and I have always been strong (cont) tl.gd/22907m #
- 15:07 @ CysticFibrosisF The More awareness raised, the more likely we might see a cure for this disease. #
- 19:07 @ blindingechoes When you get up, gotta question to ask you. Well, I'll ask it now, have you seen the music vid. to Airplanes OMG Love it! #
- 19:21 @ blindingechoes Good morning sleepy head. It's on the Paramore facebook page. Hayley looks gorgeous in it. How's the wrist? #
- 19:31 @ blindingechoes yeah don't move it that way, lol. I just loved her look, especially when her hair's pulled up, (cont) tl.gd/22bbhc #
- 19:39 @ blindingechoes Thanks!! I could see those as being so much fun. I was hoping of some good ones out of that (cont) tl.gd/22bem3 #
- 20:09 @ blindingechoes But you're right, Marcy called Peppermint Patty Sir, and Charlie Brown Charles, and Peppermint (cont) tl.gd/22bsgb #
- 20:17 @ blindingechoes That, I don't know the answer too. Watched it anyways? #
- 20:27 @ blindingechoes I don't know why did you say five minutes?! #
- 20:27 @ blindingechoes Sorry, chris is watching Eleventh hour #
- 20:31 @ blindingechoes Pretty old to biting though wouldn't she...then again, I still bite, so meh #
- 20:36 @ blindingechoes sure ya do....OMG I saw a sneak peak clip from next weeks DW. OMG so cute, it's a Rory moment. #
- 20:42 @ blindingechoes Bah, but when you get back, maybe we can have tags when you get back? If not, tomorrow in the morning or whenever. #
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