Jun 28, 2010 21:03
- 03:50 You want to know how others feel, so it can be frustrating whe... More for Scorpio twittascope.com/?sign=8 #
- 06:54 @ blindingechoes awwww bless. Still need to see thatcahow #
- 06:59 @ blindingechoes lol yeah that is definitely something I'd watch. Plus Russell "Alonso" tovey #
- 07:03 @ blindingechoes dude he is always adorable I love the actor #
- 07:40 @ blindingechoes yeah that's right! The girl from gridlock she's the ghost right? #
- 07:43 @ blindingechoes another show I need to see! Both you and debi have talked about it #
- 07:46 @ blindingechoes good idea. Lol. There's one thing he can wait to see speaking of seen big bang yet? #
- 07:49 @ blindingechoes lol and this is one that personally I agree you need snacks. Are you guys still on lockdown? #
- 07:57 @ blindingechoes have things calmed down any at all? #
- 08:00 @ blindingechoes omg that will drive me completely crazy. #
- 08:14 @ blindingechoes true or when I listen to the big finish audios #
- 12:06 RT @DoktorKaboom: My dad found this video and sent it to me.
We know so much, yet so very little... fb.me/ADYeuza6 # - 12:39 Car is a total loss. #
- 13:43 @ blindingechoes Oh honey *huggles* I know I can't wait for answers either. Has it been better now, or is it (cont) tl.gd/26i6e6 #
- 14:43 @ blindingechoes Yay for sitting up. Clad you could manage that and some toast. I want you fixed, not drugs that make you worse! #
- 14:50 @ blindingechoes Glad you can sit up. How are things with the Riots? Have they stopped, calmed down? #
- 14:55 @ blindingechoes lockdown been lifted? Can you get out to get food, survival gear...snacks to watch Tv? *is so glad she knows her priorities* #
- 14:58 @ blindingechoes WOOT! you can finally see the Big Bang and I will no longer be sitting here looking at our DM's (cont) tl.gd/26iudp #
- 15:08 @ blindingechoes Whee!!!! *bounces happily even though her nose is stuffed and she can't breathe.* #
- 15:14 @ blindingechoes Allergies I think. I need to go take medicine. I'm just afraid to cause I was up all night that it will knock me out #
- 15:27 Just took chris out to play in the rain, why? Because who doesn't like getting caught in the rain ;) #
- 15:43 RT @dealsplus: Win an #Apple product Today. Just retweet this & follow @dealsplus to win. Details... bit.ly/9aq1Su #
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