Jul 03, 2010 21:01
- 03:49 You are excited by a shakeup to your daily routine and might b... More for Scorpio twittascope.com/?sign=8 #
- 09:55 Chris just threw a fit because we woke him up before he wanted to be up. It was both frustrating and cute #
- 10:03 tweetphoto.com/30543165 Chris has a diaper on his head your argument is invalid #
- 10:04 And yes it was a clean one #
- 10:08 @ blindingechoes he does doesn't he and Chris has been such a cranky butt this morning #
- 10:11 @ blindingechoes we're attempting mall and grocery store again. He's upset we woke up #
- 12:55 Getting my dyed the same color as Karen gillan. Excited #
- 13:26 Whee they are playing use somebody and before it was B.o.B's airplanes #
- 14:48 @ blindingechoes it does sound that way, yes. How's the back? I dare say I assume the head'a the same #
- 20:13 twitpic.com/227qtv the top of my hair. The new color #
- 20:14 twitpic.com/227r0h some of my face #
- 20:16 twitpic.com/227rvi me being bored #
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