Twitter Updates

Feb 22, 2010 00:04

Today's batch of nonsense from my Twitter...

  • 01:01 @ i_die_4_love I meant chronic depression. If it was just a random mood I was in I wouldn't say "I have depression." People may not try to #
  • 01:03 @ i_die_4_love "catch depression" but I've seen many people state they've got chronic depression when they do not, more than once b/c they #
  • 01:04 @ i_die_4_love thought it made them seem more deep and brooding. However, I wouldn't attack such people just b/c they've misdiagnosed #
  • 01:04 @ i_die_4_love themselves or because it was just their b
    ag. It doesn't matter. There's no point in publicaly mocking someone. #
  • 01:07 @ i_die_4_love I don't mind if you get pissed at ppl like me b/c I've actually stated that you're acting elitest when you mock ppl. I get it. #
  • 01:08 @ i_die_4_love My annoyance was that you publicaly mock someone you know nothing about. Just b/c someone's first response was not that they #
  • 01:09 @ i_die_4_love have been diagnosed does not automatically mean they don't have an eating disorder. That's ridiculous. #
  • 01:15 @ freshlyinstable That's what came to my mind too, actually. They should probably rethink that shun. #
  • 01:31 @ freshlyinstable I'm getting some waaaaaaaahyoudon'tunderstandweHAVEtomockpeoplebecausethey'vemaybemisdiagnosedthemselveses stalking me. #
  • 02:13 @ freshlyinstable Their "WHAT is your quest?" bridge-keeping, lightning quick shutdowns and public flogging sessions are quite sensible too. #
  • 02:16 @ TheGlassEyed Noo! You need to take that into WMP and kick up the tempo! [snickers] #
  • 02:38 Hmmmyeah! Really wanna rent from someone who won't even get out of their car to take a pic of the property. Says "safe neighborhood" to me. #
  • 04:12 I have a serious case of Kate hate. I very much enjoyed Sawyer basically giving her a big eye roll. Christ, she's selfish. #LostRants #
  • 12:25 @ Revmoon Pre-teen girls. I think he's 12 or around that. #
  • 12:39 Yoko Ono say "When you burn the chair, you suddenly realize the chair in your mind did not burn or disappear." So, burn your mind then. Der. #
  • 21:48 Vegan carob: most depressing food I've ever heard
    of. #
  • 22:14 @ freshlyinstable Ugh. That film ruins my life. I have too much love for the Hanks. #

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