B-buuu. This is my attempt at an application for the RP Comm ~Liberty~, here goes nothing! If anything needs to be improved upon or edited, just let me know~!
name: Mark or Kiri, but anything works~!
age: old enough; if you have to know, you can ask.
experience: I've managed my fair share of RP comms, such as
hetalia_asylum and a few on forummotion. I'm part of quite a few other comms, like Paparazzi Hetalia and Hetalia Roulette, as well as History is Now on forummotion. I've lurked the aphdr for a while, though I mostly just lurk. I used to be a part of the Inksome! aphdr, until Inksome! decided that it was gonna shut down in April. I spend most of my time writing fanfiction and the like, and my strongest characters are Austria, England, Denmark, Switzerland, and France. You can find me on fanfiction under the tag
Kiriai, though I haven't updated in a while. I've been setting up a writing community here on LJ called
love_and_pens instead.
e-mail: itzigurl@yahoo.com
nation: Republic of Austria; Republik Österreich;
insertsolohere name: Roderich Edelstein
nickname(s): None, though some irritating nations have the habit of shortening his name to Roddy or other such nonsense.
age: 24
date of birth: July 27, 1986
hometown: Linz, Austria
occupation: Professional cello player, accompaniment piano player. He takes jobs as they come, and is never in want for money, as he receives monthly increments of money into his bank account from his parents' will.
residence: Vichy Plaza, in the Tailles d'or Condos
family: (Will discuss with other players) Roderich grew up in a rather rich, privileged family. He's quite used to meeting strangers, even those of classes much lower than his own. However, he often makes mistakes when interacting with those of lower classes; it is not unfriendliness, merely the inability to interact with those he cannot familiarize himself with. Despite this, he is quite skilled at gaining allies and friends in order to better himself and keep his family's reputation.
first impression: "He's such a pleasant young man!" Roderich appears as a composed, tactful young man. He doesn't speak overly much in order to keep the appearance.
Fact 1:
money- He was raised in an aristocratic family. It is apparent in how he lives his life, as he was raised to believe that the family name and a sense of propriety are the two most important things that a person must uphold. Because of this, he can be cold, distant, and impossible to approach.
Fact 2:
sexuality- Roderich is strongly bisexual; both women and men can be attractive to him. He does not openly admit to it, but he does not hide it. The fact that he is bisexual does not reflect well on him; however, it is one of the few allowances he permits himself to take in regards of tarnishing his name.
Fact 3:
frugal- Despite having enough money to fund a small nation, Roderich is very frugal. He does not spend much money on things he does not need; the exception to this is piano and various other musical instruments. He does not spend overt amounts of money on clothes, and more often than not eats in rather than eats out. The condo was given to him by his parents when he moved out of Linz, and he doesn't have the heart to sell it and move elsewhere.
Fact 4:
dream- Roderich wanted to be a baker. Regardless of his love for music, Roderich nursed- and still nurses- a dream to own a bakery of his own. He creates his own recipes for cakes and other pastries, and even took lessons as a child. However, he decided in college that a career as a musician was more suited to his skills than that of a pastry chef. His parents had been pushing for him to major in music, and, in compliance to their wishes, he did.
Fact 5:
pride- Roderich dislikes accepting help from others; his pride will not allow it. No matter what the case, he despises the feeling that he cannot do something himself. This stems from the fact that his parents always played major roles in his decisions when he was a child, and still do today.
Fact 6:
fear- Roderich does not like animals. He had bad experiences with dogs, horses, and cats when he was a child, and still harbors a fear of them to the present. He keeps this under wraps, but when he meets anyone with a pet, the fear is pretty apparent.
Fact 7:
insecure- Roderich is slightly insecure. Despite the fact that he appears very together and confident, he has issues with dealing with others. Roderich is afraid of making mistakes, and when he does make mistakes, he dwells upon them.
Fact 8:
music- Insecure or not, Roderich enjoys performing in front of others. Music is his release; it keeps him from becoming too overwhelmed. He enjoys especially playing piano, though his focus is cello.
Fact 9:
chivalry- Being raised in a rather proud, rich family, Roderich has a quite developed sense of chivalry. He wouldn't cheat even if the alternative was painful, and he's always ready to scold those that play dirty.
Fact 10:
organized- Roderich is uncomfortable when things are not neat. He enjoys living in pristine and organized environment. He feels that those that do not keep their houses and living spaces clean are next to barbaric. His disdain for disorganized people is often apparent.
love- Roderich Edelstein has never been properly in love. He thinks it is his fault- too rich, too insecure, too focused on music- and he is constantly bitterly blaming himself for his unhappiness as such. Not that his greatest goal in life is to fall in love; indeed, he has much larger goals that that. But it is a constant disappointment, a needling one.
His warped view of himself keeps him from allowing himself to see that others may be attracted to him, and he cannot bring himself to realize that it is of mostly his own doing that he has not found someone that he can allow himself to relax around. Roderich is very, very lonely.
writing sample:
Roderich let himself into his condominium, frowning slightly as his shoes left small puddles on the clean hardwood flooring. He would have to clean that. With a sigh, he hung up his coat, placed his gloves in the closet. It had been a long, hard day. The rain was just an added frustration.
A hard day of rehearsal always left him tired, but directly after rehearsal he had to run errands and check out his next gig. All in the rain. It was a pity he was too cheap to buy his own car, as it would have made his life so much easier. Regardless, he was tired.
After cleaning his mess, Roderich collapsed on the leather couch situated in front of his television, raking a hand through his mussed, wet hair. It had been a long day, but he couldn't deny how productive it had been. The orchestra had gotten easily through the piece called
Crimson Tide. He enjoyed it, even though it was created for a movie. The conductor shoed up on time for the first time, the problem with the broken viola had been fixed, and the performance was coming up. Idly, eyes slipping closed, he hummed the first few bars, smiling.
Definitely a productive day.