Jacked from
physicsxmagic, who called it that I would do this. :)
Six Names You Go By:
1.) Kate
2.) Kathleen
3.) Fae
4.) Pandora
5.) Panda-chan
6.) Princess
Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1.) Jeans
2.) An Egyptian hieroglyph cartouche necklace
3.) A lowcut top over a camisole (yay for layering?)
Three Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment
1.) A grilled cheese and pepperoni sandwich
2.) For my family to get the hell off my case
3.) An update from my favorite Tudors fandom author
Three People You Hope Will Do Think Are Most Likely To Do This Meme:
I actually do not know.
Three People You Talked To On The Phone Recently:
1.) My mother
2.) My friend's father
3.) My uncle
Four Of Your Favorite Drinks:
1.) Coffee with flavored cream
2.) Mountain Dew Code Red
3.) Kahlua and cream
4.) Lemonade Iced Tea
Three Things That Made You Smile Today:
1.) RP
2.) A pic I saw on fandomsecrets
3.) My Tumblr Dash