So, still trying to sort out my opinions and stuff, but here's some rambling crap I typed up right after I finished the book yesterday.
Harry Potter spoilers below the cut. Read at your own risk.
Harsh atmosphere to this one. Torture, the death of a beloved pet, living on the run for so long, all of that just gave this book a much darker tone. In some ways, I thought that was quite good, but the book just didn't read like the children's series it used to be. In a way, that's probably purposeful and good. I mean, I started these books in the 5th-6th grade, and I've grown up. But just like the initial HP readers, the book itself has grown up. Obviously, there are still the usual children's story elements to it, but this book was definitely straying in the adult direction. But, yeah, overall, that was good. :)
And some similarities to LotR, am I right? The Horcrux locket making Ron into an angry little bitch? It's clearly Boromir all over again. :D
I'm still trying to decide what I did and didn't like....I'm so glad that the Snape stuff was cleared up, but his death pretty much broke my heart. Still, he was redeemed in the end, and maybe that makes it a little less crappy (but still so predictable)? But, in a way, I didn't like how J.K. did that. The Snape we've grown to love is harsh and cynical, and, while we got to see a little of that when he was talking to Dumbledore about killing him, the whole Lily thing definitely detracted from that. I can see how he became the person he was from those scenes, but I'm not sure if it was quite as believable as I would have liked. The parts where he screwed things up, like the tree branch incident and the letter part, that felt like classic Snape to me. And I can see where his love of Lily fit with things, too. I'm not even sure what really felt off for me. Maybe that it didn't feel too original and I've read something similar in tons of fanfictions (and sometimes done better)? I guess I expected something more. But I do like the fact that they didn't make his love for Lily seem perfect and lovely. The part where Dumbledore mentions that Snape is willing to beg for her life without making any effort to save her family? Very interesting, I thought.
But now I just miss Snape. *sniffle*
Draco living was definitely for the win, y/y? I have a massive and not-so-secret love for him. All in all, I felt like his character was treated fairly well, even if he was not given enough time. He wasn't made into an angel or someone perfect, but he had moments where his hesitation came across so obviously that you couldn't help feeling for him. Nicely handled, I think.
But Fred dying? Why?! Seriously, that's harsh, J.K. I don't think it would have been nearly as bad if she'd killed off both twins, but leaving one just hurts in ways that aren't good at all. But Lupin? I'm okay with that. It felt better with the end having James, Sirius, Lupin, and Lily together. I wouldn't have been right any other way....
Dobby's death was actually one of the saddest, I thought...and Hedwig's was heartbreaking, too. Tonks I completely forgot about until just now. How terrible is that? I think I should probably be ashamed. Moody's death slipped my mind until the whole eye thing came around, and then it was really sad.
Harry was...less annoying in this book actually. I didn't find myself constantly rooting for his death like I was in the 5th one and parts of the 6th. Of course, he did have his irritating moments. But, on a related note, I love how flawed Ron is, how realistic he seems. Ron walking out on them was especially good for me. It felt right for his character. Besides, he had to come back. It's just what Ron does. He walks away for a while, distances himself, but eventually he's always pulled back to his friends.
And Draco's kid, Scorpius, makes me think someone's a closet Farscape fan. I know that has nothing to do with it, but I kept imagining this kid with a hideously malformed and scary face and a penchant for Hawaiian shirts. What? Don't remember that episode? It was grand just for that reason. And, yeah, reading the last HP book does make me reminisce about past childhood loves, like my old tv shows and such. :D
And I'm particularly appalled by the 19 years later stunt. I expected it, but it was still not a very happy conclusion for me, mainly because it significantly limits the ways in which non-AU fanfiction can be written now. Of course, the numerous deaths didn't help with that either....
And Albus Severus Potter? His initials are A.S.P. That shouldn't amuse me so much, but an asp is a type of snake, right? So, he's worried about sorting into Slytherin and his initials are a snake. Do you think that was done on purpose? :D