Wellllll this weekend finally came...and went :(
I had such a wonderful time. I got my hair colored (just in time for school :P) and then went over to Tricia's house! =D We went to see "The Brother's Grimm" (excellent movie I recommend EVERYONE go see it!!!) and then I slept over so that we could get up really early and go to the NY Renaissance Faire in the morning! I was so excited! I really had only ever been to one, and it was a long time ago. Tricia was always talking about it and telling me how amazing it is, and I was able to go with them! Her family actually let me go!
AND IT WAS AMAZING! OMG there was this guy there, Jack Sparrow TO A T! I mean completely and totally Jack Sparrow! Haha he had the walk, the rum, he talked the same way, he LOOKED like Jack, I mean EVERYTHING! haha and he was part of the character chess game, and had to fight this one person. Well, he RAN AWAY from his opponent, and HE HAD THE RUN!!! AH! He had the famous run that Jack Sparrow does going over the bridge in the beginning! I was ready to die! And then his opponent had him cornered right, and so Jack pulls out his gun and points it at him. The guy was like, "you cheated!" and Jack looked at him and went (yeap you guessed it!) "Pirate!" haha it was amazing I seriously thought that the real J Depp Jack Sparrow had shown up in real life. It was absolutely amazing!
And then there was the French guy who called us "English pigdogs" although only Tricia and I got the reference to Monty Python in that one. The whole day was just absolutely amazing! And the jewelry! Ah Tricia told me that I should bring money for this one jeweler who makes really special stuff, and believe me it is! I bought a necklace/earring set, and a bracelet! They are soooo pretty!
The entire thing was just amazing, we spent the entire time there, saw knife throwing, jousting, Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" (which was hysterical!) and just all this crazy stuff! It was amazing! Robin Hood was there, the Sheriff, Little John, Maid Marian Oh snap!
haha and the insult tournament was funny! Tricia said that there were better ones, but I had so much fun! It was all really good! =D=D=D
OHOH! I CAN'T BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT! I MET RUTH THOMPSON! OMG I love her artwork and I'm constantly on her site! Have you guys seen her work? Oh surely you must have! It's amazing! She was there, and she signed one of her pictures for me TO me!!!! And then I got a picture with her! OMG this is amazing! Its unbelievable! I can't believe I met her! aaahhhh!!!!
Ok here are some pictures, since I know I just bored you all to death up there!!!
First time we saw Jack! Haha thats the tavern he's sitting on :P
And thats Little John, he was helping with the jousting tournie here
Maid Marian: She was one of the jousters ;)
We called this one "Hair Boy" because he doesn't have a name, but he's hott! =D
Haha there's Jack on the chess board/field. Tell me you haven't seen that gesture before =D=D
One more of Jack from the chess field, he's going to sit down here though heh heh.
There's Tricia with Robin Hood =D he was awesome.
Thats me with Ruth Thompson!!!! *dies*
Heeeee!!!! We finally tracked him down at the end of the day! Thats me with him =D
And finally, Tricia and I with Queen Elizabeth! =D We idolize her haha.