Stolen from Soupy:

Mar 31, 2003 22:17

This was stolen from Soupy!

Chocolate or vanilla? CHOCOLATE!
Hot or cold? Hot
This or that? This
Day or night? Day
Meal from home or eating out? Eating Out
Rock music or pop music? Rock? rock
Cats or dogs? i luv 'em both
Long hair or short hair? short
Short or tall? tall
Early bird or night owl? Night owl! I wuv staying up late!
PC or mac? PC
Desktop or laptop? laptop
Buy or sell? both i guess
Black or white? White
Pretty or smart? Smart.
In or out? out
Front or back? front.
Left or right? right
Here or there? here
oke or Pepsi? both are good
Whole milk or low fat milk? Any kind of milk is OK by me.
CD or cassette? Neither,MP3
DSL or cable? DSL
Republican or democrat? Republican
LOTR or Harry Potter? Harry Potter! I loathe lotr
Playstation 2 or Gamecube? neither gimme a computer anyday
Dentist or doctor? erm... doctor
Glasses or contacts? contacts
Unsweetened or sweetened tea? Sweetened (Im from NC)
Sour Cream n Onion or BBQ? mmm both *drools*
Public or private school? Public.
Country or city? country
Winter or summer? Summer
Crayons or markers? Markers
Gold or silver? Silver.
Read the book or watch the movie? Both
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