So I took the CPT today. I scored lower than I expected on part of the English part of the test, which kinda ticked me off. I think part of it had to do with some really confusing questions sets (in both sections) that dealt with restructuring sentences with part of the sentence missing. If not for those, I'm confident I would've done better. Still, ME -- screwing up and only making the 79th percentile?!
Reading Comprehension: 93.8
Sentence Skills: 105.4
Arithmatic: 25.8
Elementary Algebra: 30.7
The math is harder than it sounds, especially for someone like me who always had very serious problems with Math. Enough that it kept me from ever bothering with college before until now. It's like an entirely different language for me. So I tested into the highest possible English class, but have to take four remedial Math classes before I can take the three required classes for my degree. ::grinds teeth:: I'm NOT looking forward to this. So much for four a year degree.
Now I've registered for Comp. I and Adult Math Basic Education. Comp. is on Thursdays, 10:00am - 12:05pm. Math is Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00pm - 8:40pm. I really didn't want to take night classes, but the class for "sthupids" only offers day times that conflict with Hailey's school schedule.
Life is hard all over, idn't it? But at least I'm finally set to get started. And with a whopping $72 leftover from my grant to get books, too.