Weird things that are indeed fact:
I forgot that tomorrow is Thursday. As in, the day when most of my shows air new episodes (Community, which has been weird and low-energy so far this season, Parks and Recreation, which has been lovely, and The Big Bang Theory, which I can't watch until later on because it's on at the same frakkin' time but has been a mildly confusing pleasure this season).
I also forgot that my birthday is like... super-soon. It's in a week and two days. Now, you know those folks who tell others that they don't really want to celebrate or even acknowledge their birthday? Don't really care for getting presents or having anything very special done that day? Not me. Like, the complete opposite of me. I think my birthday is the best day ever, even if it's not objectively a good day, which it ... usually isn't. (I completely do not remember my 21st birthday, and it's not because I was smashed the whole time because I've never had an alcoholic drink in my life. It just was not memorable. And my 17th birthday was kind of terrible because my two main homies were absent from school that day, so most of my day was just boring, except that the first person I talked to besides my family that day decided to walk up to me and announce that they had cut themselves the night before like it was a goddamn right of passage on par with buying a bra or sprouting pubic hair. Fucking shame.) But anyway. With the exception of last year, when my mother was awesome and took me bowling for like the first time in 3 years, my birthday is this little nook in the year where my perception of the whole world is both sparkly and un-narcissistically self-centered somehow. Well, let's hope it's un-narcissistic. I complain a lot in general in my life, but I take most things in stride; my true hissy fits only happen like 2-4 times a year and are generally confined to days when I am required by an outside source to wear a dress.
I bought new soap/bodywash. This is weird because I haven't since the beginning of my senior year of college. The bottle I bought then is actually not empty yet, but it will be soon. Why has it lasted so long? Because I am amazing. And didn't have to use it for over a year because I was living back with my parents, and they have a shitload of bath supplies so they won't need to replenish their shower for like 3 years anyway. A couple years ago, I was like... shocked, legitimately shocked, to discover that some folks STILL USE BAR SOAP. I mean, I don't go in a wide variety of bathrooms, and it's not something I think to poll people on, so I don't have any stats or anything, but I have lived in Bodywash Land for at least a decade-and-a-half, I think, and it just didn't occur to me that non-liquid soap was still popular at all. Maybe I am spoiled by the wonder of "push a lever and cleaning agents are distributed into your palm" technology, but there is something almost magically awkward about using a bar of soap. I've gotten much less joke-about-prison-showers awkward about it, at least? I still pledge allegiance to the spouts, which deposit soap into my palm, for which it stands, one shower, under hot water, etc.
I located "that piece of classical music" as I might call it, again, in my quest to make a Halloween music playlist. Berlioz's Dream of a Witch's/Witches' Sabbath. I heard this randomly one morning ages ago when I still lived in North Carolina (the first, er, second time?), and remembered it ever since and have struggled to find it at least once before.
I tried to go shopping tonight because I ... want new clothes. I FAILED. I am terrible at shopping for clothes; this is not a surprise. Most of the selection that I find is just Not Me and won't work with my body, and even the stuff that I manage to find that is "Me" and cooperates with my boobage I often talk myself out of because of the price. Sometimes I have to talk myself out of clothes that are really cheap and decent. Tonight I found a purple shirt in Target marked down to like $3 and some change, and then this grey cute "roller derby" shirt in the same area, marked down to $10 or so. But the fabric on the roller derby shirt was obviously really thin and ... shitty, whereas the purple shirt was more substantial, but I knew if I got the $3 purple shirt I would just buy it to have bought a shirt, because I preferred the shitty roller derby one. Sometimes I will just buy things because they are cheap and there. I own a shirt that says "I wish I was colorful" and has a panda on it 66% because of that. The other third is because ... there was a panda, okay. Duh. Teresas do not pass up $3 panda shirts, even if they can never wear them in public.
Other Cool Things of today:
I finished my last hamburger patty. I'm glad I got the giant box of them back in like... August. Now I may never get them again.
I had a very filling and large lunch at work because I made a salad in advance and had some microwaveable orange chicken, plus some cookies. Awesomecakes.
I had hiccups after lunch today, but they subsided relatively quickly.
I managed to get generic waffles instead of ~Eggo.~ Congratulate me; I have never been able to do this before.
I put all of my "exceptions" at work in the exceptions program on the computer. I don't think I'd ever done this before yesterday, but now I am a wizard.