[Character Information] Permissions Post: Rui Yamase

Sep 03, 2011 02:44

Rui Yamase is a fortune teller by trade, but in truth she's actually a past-and-future telepath, which means that, by touching a character and activating her ability, she can read either a part of their past, or a small, vague segment of their future, fortune-teller style. She also has some memory-tweaking power. Her abilities, split into those three segments, are as follows:

  • Rui touches the character and activates her ability.
  • She is able to view some segment of the character's future.
  • Typically she views something related to what the character is thinking about; for example, a customer thinking about who they will marry will get a future of what their wedding might be like.
  • Here is a sample of Rui's fortune telling.
  • In Luceti: Because of the limitations of an RP, obviously Rui can't predict a future that I, as her player, am unaware of. Therefore any future-telling will be planned ahead of time through OOC communication. If the players involved agree, she can predict things like pre-planned kidnappings, player plots, and, on occasion, vague details of already-announced events. However this ability will be severely dampened to avoid it being abused.

  • Rui touches the character and activates her ability.
  • She is able to view some segment of the character's past.
  • What she views can vary, but it's usually some sort of powerful memory, something a character feels strongly about; as an example, she touches a character in-game and sees a murder that character witnessed.
  • During this vision, Rui feels and sees whatever the character saw, both emotionally and physically. Depending on the depth of what she sees, it is also very draining and wears her out.
  • Here is a sample of Rui's telepathy. (Slight spoilers, if you care.)
  • In Luceti: This ability won't change, though she won't be able to delve as deeply as normal without practice, and will likely exhaust herself if she tries too soon.

Memory Recovery
  • Rui touches the character and activates her ability.
  • She is able to restore sealed memories the afflicted character.
  • There's no indication that Rui witnesses these memories; her ability is only a trigger for memories that already existed and were locked away for whatever reason.
  • In canon she is shown only to restore memories sealed away by another telepath, but since it's stated that Rui is a very powerful telepath, it's possible that her abilities run deeper than that.
  • Here is a sample of Rui's memory restoration. (Again, spoilers- this time for the end of the game.)
  • As noted in the video, Rui is also able to restore her own sealed memories if she's triggered by something related to those memories, such as a picture or object.
  • In Luceti: This ability won't change, though it will take more effort to restore any sealed memories. Naturally that would require player permission, and as with the fortune-telling ability, usage of this power should be pre-planned.

As I stated above, Rui is mentioned to be a very powerful telepath in canon, but she lacks experience and her willingness to use it often wavers. Other telepaths or those with particularly strong willpower can stop her from digging too far into their minds, so that's something else to consider.

Filling this out isn't required to thread with Rui! She has to activate her abilities to use them against your character, and she won't do that unless I have permission here. Also, I typically won't have her activate the ability willy-nilly, but rather will ask when I think it's a good time, unless Rui would ICly just go ahead with it, something she's done before.

Please use the form below to let me know how Rui can interact with your character!

Character Name:
Character Canon:
Is your character a telepath, or do they have mental barriers they can put up?
Can Rui read segments of your character's past if she touches them?
If yes to the above, what would she see?
Rui can also see into the future. Would you allow this if you have something planned for your character?

Thank you so much!

(rp) luceti, [character] rui yamase, information

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