Title: Snowfall
Author: Faewend
Series: Hanazakari no Kimitachi he (HanaKimi)
Pairing: Izumi Sano x Mizuki Ashiya
Theme: #8 our own world
Disclaimer: All rights and characters belong to Hisaya Nakajo, Viz, and a lot of other people who aren’t me.
The noise from the Christmas Ball faded into the background for Mizuki. The magic of the falling snow and Sano’s nearness made the crowd of bodies inside the ballroom seem as if they existed on another planet. She stretched her arms and face to the sky, enjoying the cold kiss of the snowflakes on her skin after the heat inside.
The evening had been chaos, a mishmash of tiny crises that had managed to steal most of the enjoyment out of the dance. Rio chasing her down to give her the hair ornament and necklace, Nakatsu passing out, her dress getting stained, then the time spent hurriedly remaking the dress just so she could stand on the sidelines for the last few dances. It all had seemed to blur together until Sano had asked her to dance and taken her into his arms.
After that, she could recall at least some things with crystal perfection-the grip of his hand on hers, the weight of his arm around her waist, the way his dark eyes stared down at her, how the rest of the dancers seemed to melt away as the two of them swirled around the floor.
Now, she laughed joyously at seeing her first snowfall, and Sano draped his jacket over her shoulders. She leaned against him and beamed up at him, delighting in this moment that contained only her and him.