I'm a color snob. Out of all the color choices I have, I prefer the blues. But not the light, sky, or baby versions. No, give me the cobalts, the midnights, and the twilights
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So my parents are becoming world travelers now that my dad has retired, and they've joined all the retiree things that do time shares and trip planning
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Keep in mind that I am not very political knowledgeable, but I had a thought and wanted to see what others (not that many of you are REPLYING) thought
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If my friends don't trust me to be the person they want me to be, and I don't trust them to tell me when they have a problem with me, who is at fault? Them? Me? Both? Neither?
And if I don't trust them, how do I learn to trust them again?
So I download anime that is current to what's on TV in Japan. And now a new website, animecrazy.net allows me to watch real live Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Taiwanese dramas and movies too!
I'm giving up American drama. Japan has a show called Hell Girl. She takes people's souls to hell for the heck of it. Whee!
I love gray cloudy days. I love the many colors in the clouds, I love the shapes, and watching them move. I love rain, thunder, lightning, hail. (Honestly the only precipitation I don't like is snow
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Ok, so just to warn you this has to do with nighttime activities and the couple upstairs. You have been warned! (Nothing graphic, just immaturely amused. #^_^#) ( Can't help myself. . . )