Chuis en admiration devant ma Fafa *-* Chuis une grosse flemmarde pour faire des icones moi-même @_@ Sur LJ, j'utilise ceux que j'ai fait... Crois-moi, ça m'a pris du temps à faire ces carrés XD
J'utilise les icones que je pique que sur msn en fait XD Même si je me connecte presque jamais XD XD C'est un peu bête mais bon u.u
En général chui une flemmarde aussi, après il y a des fois ça me prend comme ça d'en faire xD Arf moi aussi, ça défile sur msn les icons xD (quoique en ce moment, j'ai pas mis Arashi :3) En tout cas merchi <3333
OH HI! I APPROVE OF YOUR SAKUMOTO ICONS, YES 8D J'aime aussi beaucoup l'avant dernière de K8 :D Bravo bravo, très chère, ce sont de bien belles icons que vous nous offrez là :3
OH YAY THE WORLD NEEDS MORE SAKUMOTO Y/Y? Je crois que les icons de Sakumoto sont mes préférées, c'est tellement rare de voir ce couple ;_; Merci beaucoup, ça me fait très plaisir venant de toi, de savoir que tu aimes bien mes icons <3 (I love your Nakatsu icon, can't stop laughing when I see it xD)
Aww #7 is so cute! Which show was that? :D I really, really like your icons! There's a nice tone & softness to all of them, and how you don't over-edit them. You should do more of them! I saved so many of them...merci beaucoup (I'm guessing you're French since I've seen you around yay-box :D)! Btw your header is adorable!
The Sakumoto one? It's from the VIP Room with Inoue Mao in HnA, I just loved how Sho tried so much to please Inoue and Jun laughing so hard next to him, that was so hilarious xD Thank you very much for your lovely comment, it makes me happy, I'm glad your like them! ;) Yes you guessed correct, I'm spamming frequently at 's livejournal 8D "De rien" ;D Maybe I can add you as a friend if you don't mind? >:)
OOH! Now that you mentioned it, was it the one where he tried to act all manly & stuff his face with the rice?? XD The best laugh Aiba had all year! LOL Sho is just unbelievable hilarious & adorable sometimes xD Aww you truly did a great job with them though! Thank you for sharing them with us :D Maybe I can add you as a friend if you don't mind? >:) Sure you can! We can never have too many Arashi friends :D Is it alright if I add you too? :) I don't have too many interesting entries though and umm I get a bit lazy when it comes to updating my LJ lol. Btw! My name's Nabilla & you can call me that or Nab/Nabs for short :D My French is rusty so I'm unfortunately not able to carry a proper conversation in them xD
Yes that one xD I will add you right now ;) You can add me too of course, I like making new friends, especially Arashi fans ;D Me too I'm too lazy sometimes with posting entries on my LJ :x Nab, i like it, you can call me Fafa ;) Oh you don't have to speak French, English is just fine! I often speak in English with my french friends too xD so no worries!
Comments 64
Je t'en ai piqué quelques unes :D
Tien je me souvenais pas que ti faisais des icônes *o*
Vas y pique autant que tu veux! 8D
Chuis en admiration devant ma Fafa *-*
Chuis une grosse flemmarde pour faire des icones moi-même @_@
Sur LJ, j'utilise ceux que j'ai fait... Crois-moi, ça m'a pris du temps à faire ces carrés XD
J'utilise les icones que je pique que sur msn en fait XD Même si je me connecte presque jamais XD XD C'est un peu bête mais bon u.u
Arf moi aussi, ça défile sur msn les icons xD (quoique en ce moment, j'ai pas mis Arashi :3)
En tout cas merchi <3333
J'aime aussi beaucoup l'avant dernière de K8 :D
Bravo bravo, très chère, ce sont de bien belles icons que vous nous offrez là :3
Je crois que les icons de Sakumoto sont mes préférées, c'est tellement rare de voir ce couple ;_;
Merci beaucoup, ça me fait très plaisir venant de toi, de savoir que tu aimes bien mes icons <3
(I love your Nakatsu icon, can't stop laughing when I see it xD)
can i take the maru one?
Thank you very much for your lovely comment, it makes me happy, I'm glad your like them! ;)
Yes you guessed correct, I'm spamming frequently at 's livejournal 8D
"De rien" ;D Maybe I can add you as a friend if you don't mind? >:)
Aww you truly did a great job with them though! Thank you for sharing them with us :D
Maybe I can add you as a friend if you don't mind? >:)
Sure you can! We can never have too many Arashi friends :D Is it alright if I add you too? :) I don't have too many interesting entries though and umm I get a bit lazy when it comes to updating my LJ lol. Btw! My name's Nabilla & you can call me that or Nab/Nabs for short :D My French is rusty so I'm unfortunately not able to carry a proper conversation in them xD
I will add you right now ;) You can add me too of course, I like making new friends, especially Arashi fans ;D Me too I'm too lazy sometimes with posting entries on my LJ :x
Nab, i like it, you can call me Fafa ;) Oh you don't have to speak French, English is just fine! I often speak in English with my french friends too xD so no worries!
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