I'm working on my communication skills. and Tav suggested something that might help: talk about things even if you don't want to. That seems a bit overwhelming if I think about it for more than a second. But I think if I keep working on it the people around me will here everything that happens inside my head. I'm giving advanced notice
boring......... It's Sat. nite, sunday morning and I've nothing to do. Everyone has gone to fat girl speaks. I guess I'll just have to cruise the internet for new fetishes.
Want to live with me, yeah you know you do. Well in that case a room will be open in my house from June until August. So if you want to hang in NE PDX and can afford $300 a month for rent you should check out the house.
after much house mate spanking and many sore bums we finally have DSL in our home!! (though it hurts to sit in front of the computor) Maybe I'll update this thang more.
thank you so much to all the amazing friends I have. There is no way I will be able to make it thru the next few days with out your help
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ah sweat. I love the way it makes me sticky under my clothes. It collects the road grime and adds a nice brown shade to the sunburn I'm getting riding my bike around.
What the hell could be better. A sunny PDX day, radiohead on my headphones and no place to be until 5pm. Nothing could be better. nothing, at least not at this moment.
ah yes, does this qualify me as a geek yet? I've gone back and forth hating friendster and now I'm on livejournal. But livejournal's better than friendster any day
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